All Blog Posts Tagged 'teaching' (111)

Teaching and Coaching : How to Find Balance

Go to your local high school basketball or football game, track or swim meet and you will see coaches that have the day job of being a teacher. Many of them teach high school, however you find coaches at the middle and elementary levels too.

Most people recognize that a teacher’s life is hectic, but why do so many teachers also take on the additional task of coaching? According to Dr. Christopher…


Added by Samantha Calliari on August 21, 2018 at 10:24am — No Comments

Teaching and Coaching : How to Find Balance

Go to your local high school basketball or football game, track or swim meet and you will see coaches that have the day job of being a teacher. Many of them teach high school, however you find coaches at the middle and elementary levels too.

Most people recognize that a teacher’s life is hectic, but why do so many teachers also take on the additional task of coaching? According to Dr. Christopher…


Added by Samantha Calliari on August 21, 2018 at 10:24am — No Comments

Students Blogging - Bloom is Proud (even if he would have no idea what blogging is)

One of my favorite lessons in US History was the integration of blogging with my students.  I used a blog to create digital discussions amongst my students throughout the chapter.  Students were required to research and understand six topics from a chapter focused on the Age of Jackson (a time in our history including famous events such as the Trail of Tears and Nullification Crisis), then answer a blog question for at least three of the topics.  Students responded to…


Added by Joe Zappa on May 16, 2015 at 3:41pm — No Comments

Integrating Bloom’s Taxonomy and Marzano’s Instructional Strategies

Tried and true strategies -- Most teachers are familiar with Bloom and Marzano as they go through the training process of what they hope becomes a long and successful career as an educator.  However integrating these principles may not always be as successful as one might hope.  But successful integration is a goal that we, as teachers, should always be striving toward because this is how we can move from being a teacher to a challenger of student thinking.  Bloom’s Taxonomy…


Added by Joe Zappa on May 15, 2015 at 8:01pm — No Comments

VC online teaching

we really want to help chinese students enjoy learning and using english in their daily. to learn a language, input and output are improtant.we also want to help foreign teacher to share chinese educational market. 

Added by kenxie on November 12, 2014 at 12:39am — No Comments

Best Free Online Tutoring Tools

Students, tutors, and teachers are no longer limited to classroom learning. The Internet offers many great options for tutors and teachers to prepare for their lectures and work with students in a non-conventional virtual environment. If you are determined to make progress in your career as a professional tutor or you just want to find a way to help your cousin who lives across the country, you are recommended to experiment with the tools listed below and find the best platform that will…


Added by Melissa Burns on January 31, 2014 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

Humor that Inspires–for Teachers! Part III

If you liked the last Humor that Inspires (Part 1 and Part 2), here are more to kick-start your day:

  1. "A man can't be too careful in the choice of his enemies."

    - Oscar…

Added by Jacqui Murray on July 23, 2013 at 8:41am — No Comments

Shamblesguru's iPad : The Blog

I have an iPad2 and a New iPad ... and a very happy nephew who has inherited my iPad1.

This Blog is designed to share the…


Added by Shamblesguru (Chris Smith) on May 7, 2012 at 10:46am — No Comments

My transformation from non-tech to tech

Not too long ago if you asked me my opinions about teaching chemistry with computers my reply would have gone something like this: If you want kids to learn chemistry, the most effective and efficient way to accomplish this is with paper, a pencil, a calculator and lots of time to sit and work on problems. It’s not that I was anti-technology, I just didn’t see what the benefit was to using computers in the classroom. The irony of this story is that in my school, barring a small handful of…


Added by Tom Hanninen on April 1, 2012 at 9:50am — No Comments

15 Favorite iPad Apps As Selected By Teachers

Out of 125 responses from teachers indicating their top 3 apps, these are the apps that were listed most often.


Over the last few weeks, we ran a survey asking teachers to tell us about two or three of their favorite iPad apps that they use in an education-related context. Today we share the apps that were listed most often, and include some feedback from teachers regarding why they like them so much.

Come check out the complete listing …


Added by Kelly Walsh on March 26, 2012 at 6:00am — No Comments

eBook: "An Educator's iPad" ... published

eBook: "An Educator's iPad" ... published on Amazon and Apple iTunes.

... written for educators and parents who have an interest in mobile learning and especially the use of Apple’s iPad.

It is not a “how-to” manual but a resource for enabling more informed decisions regarding the use of…

Added by Shamblesguru (Chris Smith) on March 22, 2012 at 5:50am — No Comments

Flipping the Classroom

I also have been researching flipping my classroom and I'm super excited to dip my foot into it after our PSSA's are complete.  I would like to preview the first math chapter my Pre-Algebra students will see next year in Algebra.  There are going to be tons of questions and lots of adjustments once the flipping begins but I think trying this method out NOW will help me to decide if I want to go all out…


Added by Michael Morret on March 6, 2012 at 6:14pm — 2 Comments

Teaching Large Classes with an iPad

Apollo Horizon 2 Overhead Projector [Reprinted by author from]

To this day I remain a big fan of the overhead projector.  I truly believe it was more effective a tool for teaching than the projected Powerpoint slides will ever be.…


Added by Perry Samson on December 30, 2011 at 9:27am — No Comments

Movies and Philosophies of Education

Click to take the quiz about your own philosophy of education

I've written lots about philosophies of education. How important they are to develop and sustain.  A lot of what is "stress" in today's teaching world, derives from teachers working in settings that conflict with their own underlying philosophy of education - often, the teacher not really even knowing that this conflict… Continue

Added by ddeubel on October 27, 2011 at 1:38pm — 2 Comments

Using Technology to Teach Language Arts

Today in class, I guided students through the steps of creating their own introductory wikipage for my Language Arts class. On this page, they included a welcome greeting using a “cool” text generator, uploaded a favorite picture using, and added a favorite quote from a quotation site. These pages will be linked from a Student Pages site on our class wiki, and students will be responsible for maintaining them throughout…


Added by Melissa Johnston on September 26, 2011 at 9:23am — No Comments

#25wordstory Challenge

I happened across the Twitter 25 Word Story writing experiment and challenge a few days ago and thought this would be a great idea to share with my 6th grade gifted class. The goal is to tell a story in exactly 25 words. To introduce them to the concept, I shared Kevin Hodgson’s Prezi  titled “Sixty 25-Word Stories”. I really didn’t do much more than that and hoped that some of them would take interest.…


Added by Melissa Johnston on September 16, 2011 at 11:49am — No Comments

Sometimes school is stupid

Every now and then, we all have “one of those days”. They usually start out bad and go downhill from there.   Mine usually start off without an alarm to wake me. My high-tech radio has an in-built compassion circuit - whenever it senses that I am tired enough to really need a wake-up call, it very kindly refrains…

Added by nevbar1 on August 25, 2011 at 10:42pm — No Comments

Mathematics education - dire or inspire?

Maths education – dire or inspire?

You could see the panic in their faces - and then the relief.

They were students in their final year of high school on a visit to campus to explore the possibility of “going to uni” after they finished their compulsory schooling. I had, perhaps perversely, set up an experiment. I had told them that two of them would find a red dot under their seat - and if they were one of these people they would come forward and participate in a simple… Continue

Added by nevbar1 on August 21, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Improving numeracy with the 7 C's

There have been many reformers offering ideas for improving numeracy in our schools.  Many of them advocate the use of specific commercial resources or explicit lesson plans – in short they offer recipes for teachers and schools to follow.    The quietly spoken Alistair McIntosh (formerly Associate Professor at the University of Tasmania, Australia)…


Added by nevbar1 on August 15, 2011 at 12:29am — No Comments

Validate - it's great!

It is no secret that a great deal is expected of schools. Our curriculum documents overflow with worthy content - and even some content that is perhaps less worthy.  Even if the teaching of academic skills and knowledge were all that was expected of schools the task of the teacher would be daunting. However, all educators know that much more is expected of teachers than “merely” teaching content matter.  Teachers are also required to nurture their students in areas other than the strictly…


Added by nevbar1 on August 8, 2011 at 5:59pm — No Comments

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