All Blog Posts Tagged 'technology' (253)

My tech lesson when the internet is down

You have a great lesson planned for today, and the internet is down. Your supervisor is lurking in the doorway, you can just smell the observation coming. What do you do?

You teach your kids how to create hyperlinks with just PowerPoint or Google Slides!

Here’s my plan.

Begin the lesson with having the students create the first slide, a “Table of Contents” sort of slide. Mine looks like this.…


Added by Eileen Lennon on September 21, 2017 at 11:16am — 1 Comment

Getting back to 2.0 and approaching 3.0

It has been a while since I last visited Classroom 2.0.  With all of the new technologies available, I thought it might be a good thing to consider changing the name of this website to "Classroom 3.0".

In a nutshell, I'll update you on my life.

I decided to retire "early" from my position as a school psychologist last year.  I moved my retirement date from October 1st to January 1st to step in for another psychologist on leave.  After I retired, I visited…


Added by Lynn Marentette on June 1, 2015 at 8:15am — No Comments

Blogging about Google Apps

Although there are many formatting glitches that often deter me from using Google Apps, I am confident that they can be used to make me a more efficient educator. Spending time this week exploring the apps has restored my enthusiasm for Google as an educational tool. Let’s explore some of the tools and how I’d like to incorporate them in my class.

It’s simple to add dates to the Google Calendar. I especially like how you can overlay calendars when trying to schedule meetings.…


Added by Amanda Galvan on October 17, 2014 at 11:39am — No Comments

Hawaiian Technology Inventors Club, Arduino and Beyond- First Meeting 10/07/14

First day of the inventor's club went well without a hitch. Half the time was spent introducing the materials and methods of work. We will be using the Cornell Notes format to write reflections and about discovery while completing our projects. Students will keep a journal each day. My fifth and sixth graders really did well the first day and were able to follow directions and work together to solve any problems with understanding they may have had. I was just the facilitator watching and…


Added by Joel Garcia on October 7, 2014 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Hawaiian Technology Inventors Club, Arduino and Beyond

On Tuesday, October 7th the Hawaiian Technology Inventors Club will begin. Fifth grade students will be involved in exploring hands-on activities using various electronic kits to create electronic circuits and mini projects. Most projects will utilize software and text sources available through the vast resources in the open source community. This is the beginning of a science lab experience that I hope to grow that will include many more activities in the future.

Here is what…


Added by Joel Garcia on October 5, 2014 at 11:30am — No Comments

Blogging about Bloom & Marzano

Blogging about Bloom & Marzano

Bloom’s Taxonomy and Marzano’s 9 instructional strategies outline best practice. When it comes to lesson planning, it is comfortable to only consider covering standards and/or implementing lessons that are fun. By boosting student achievement and engagement, both Bloom’s Taxonomy and Marzano’s research outline ways to satisfy pressures of standards and the desire to make learning fun. When lesson planning, I refer to an instructional planning tool… Continue

Added by Amanda Galvan on September 6, 2014 at 11:58am — No Comments

Speak Up About How Technology Advances Education and Learning

Originally Published on Learning Outside The Lines

When an idea as innovative as online learning starts to gain traction in our school systems, it’s important that we take the time to study both how it is impacting the educational environment now and how we can continue to leverage it in the future.  In many cases, the…


Added by Anthony Sargon on November 20, 2013 at 7:11am — No Comments

Standing Between Students and Technology recently published a report that glorified the work of Sugata Mitra, a computer scientist who discovered a supposedly-powerful new way of learning. The article is worth reading, but here's the gist of his teaching method:

"He selected a small group of 10- to 14-year-olds and told them there was some interesting stuff on the computer, and might they take a look? Then he applied his new…


Added by Joseph Waarvik on October 29, 2013 at 1:53pm — 3 Comments

Work of Interns in Chicago focuses attention on poverty neighborhoods

This graphic is from a YouTube video created this month by one of two college students from South Korea who were working with me in Chicago. 

And this graphic is from a Prezi done by a second intern. You can view all six of their presentations here.…


Added by Daniel Bassill on July 3, 2013 at 2:42pm — No Comments

10 More Ways To Use Blogs In Your Classroom

 10 More Ways To Use Blogs In Your Classroom

1. Quote of the day discussion blog. I will post a quote of the day and students can analyze the quote and discuss what it means and lessons they can apply from the quote.

                                                        Place to find a quote of the day on every topic: …


Added by Elana Kline on March 24, 2013 at 10:19pm — No Comments

Top 10 Things Colleges Look For In An Applicant

"This is Fern"

Top Ten Things Colleges Look for in a High School Student

1. A high school curriculum that challenges the student. Academically successful students should include several Honors and Advanced Placement classes.

2. Grades that represent strong effort and an upward trend. Grades should show an upward trend over the years. However, slightly lower grades in a rigorous…


Added by Rachel M Angres on January 14, 2013 at 12:30am — 4 Comments

First Class Review - 28 Aug 2012

As an educator, it's important to be reflective of my practice, not for the sake of boasting, but for the sake of being able to recall what went well, what worked - and definitely how things could be improved for the next time I teach this particular session of CPED2023 for Johnson University.

I spend what my wife probably thinks is an inordinate amount of time pining over and re-examining my course content, flow and learning…


Added by Dave Eveland on August 29, 2012 at 11:45am — No Comments

5 No-Nonsense, No Fluff Websites &Teacher Apps

iPhone_With_Aps Apps for your iPhone and/or iPad can make your job a lot easier. We’d like to share what we think are 5 of the best teacher apps out there. These will not only keep you organized, but place helpful resources at your fingertips.

5 No-Nonsense, No Fluff Websites &Teacher Apps…


Added by Karen Cameron on August 15, 2012 at 7:53am — No Comments

Public Speaking, Death and Twitter in the Classroom

How many times have you said something about public speaking or your reluctance to give speeches and had someone come right back with the threadbare cliché about how “one study” found that “the average person fears public speaking more than death?

Who conducted this study, exactly?

Regardless of whether or not this “study”/cliché can be…


Added by Karen Cameron on August 8, 2012 at 8:54am — No Comments

This is a graphic created by an intern who worked with me a few years ago. You can see links to this and other projects interns have done if you visit here and here. This page is from a German media …

This is a graphic created by an intern who worked with me a few years ago. You can see links to this and other projects interns have done if you visit here and here.

This …


Added by Daniel Bassill on June 8, 2012 at 12:36pm — No Comments

Case Study: The Parallel of Technology and Curriculum

Schools are under increasing pressure to implement the Common Core Standards and to develop students’ career and college readiness skills.

Methacton School District, located in a suburb of Philadelphia in southeastern Pennsylvania, is no different. The district is made up of just over 400 staff and more than 5,000 students. Methacton implemented a comprehensive professional development…


Added by Amy Schoenrock on April 10, 2012 at 1:15pm — No Comments

My transformation from non-tech to tech

Not too long ago if you asked me my opinions about teaching chemistry with computers my reply would have gone something like this: If you want kids to learn chemistry, the most effective and efficient way to accomplish this is with paper, a pencil, a calculator and lots of time to sit and work on problems. It’s not that I was anti-technology, I just didn’t see what the benefit was to using computers in the classroom. The irony of this story is that in my school, barring a small handful of…


Added by Tom Hanninen on April 1, 2012 at 9:50am — No Comments

PaperSlide Videos get kids Communicating, Collaborating and Creating!

As a fun activity in the short time we had between the end of PSSA's and the beginning of Marking Period 4, I challenged my 7th grade Mechanicsburg Middle School Pre-Algebra kids to research and create paperslide videos relating to a topic they had ALREADY learned during the year.  Prior to beginning, I showed the students what a paperslide video was, how it was made and what it should look like by USING paperslide examples. 

I allowed the students to create their own groups of 2 or 3…


Added by Michael Morret on March 31, 2012 at 5:35am — No Comments

Smartboard: Create a study game using flip tiles.

This is a Smartboard Notebook tutorial on how to create an interactive study game board in which students can move game pieces along the board if they answer the questions correctly. This gameboard use tiles that on one side has the answer and on the other side has the question.

Added by Brian Weir on March 25, 2012 at 1:49pm — No Comments

Panel Discussion: Aligning Curriculum and Technology

Aligning curriculum and technology successfully requires strong cross-departmental communication. Join us for an online panel discussion on Aligning Curriculum and Technology to hear the successes and challenges two districts have experienced.

Register now.

Added by Amy Schoenrock on March 23, 2012 at 8:11am — No Comments

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