All Blog Posts Tagged 'visionary' (7)

10 videos that WILL ignite a discussion - Part 3

If you didn't know, I really enjoy watching short videos. In particular, I really enjoy watching videos that get me thinking and reflecting on my educational practices and beliefs. I have been using short videos in Professional Development sessions to get educators at my high school talking and discussing issues related to education. This is the third installment of the series..."videos that WILL ignite a discussion." I encourage you to check out…


Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:42pm — No Comments

Educators making a difference...

I recently asked principals and administrators across North America one simple question: What do you love about your job? Here are the responses I got...and I must say, they are pretty awesome. Enjoy!



Added by Justin Tarte on December 30, 2010 at 11:54am — No Comments

REBEL - Education Reform Blog - revisit...The factory model does not work for schools...

Tom Whitby has encouraged all education bloggers to write a positive blog on how we should reform the

educational setting. I have decided to revisit a previous post of


If you have ever walked into a factory that produces a finished good from raw materials, it is frankly an amazing process. Dating back to

the early 1900's, Henry Ford revolutionized…

Added by Justin Tarte on October 17, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Never underestimate the power of a child...

I watched this video on TED: Ideas worth spreading (which I highly recommend),

and I have to say I was really intrigued by the topic. Every day at

school I get the opportunity to see students growing and

developing...some more than others, and some not enough. However

inconsistent their growth may be, one thing is for certain...the growth

and development of children can be summed up in one word - amazing! If

we… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on September 22, 2010 at 5:35am — No Comments

Finding...and taking the road less traveled

I was inspired to write this post after

speaking with a friend and colleague. Over the course of a lifetime and

career we all experience the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows.

So much of what we do in our lives comes back to our goals,

expectations, hopes and dreams. The biggest difference between those

who accomplish their goals and those who do not...are the paths they

choose while developing their vision.…

Added by Justin Tarte on August 22, 2010 at 10:01am — No Comments

Reinventing yourself = survival...

My first official working day at school was today...I witnessed ups and downs, heard screams of joy, and whirlpools of pessimism and

discontent. As I thought more about the "happy" people, and the not so

happy people, I decided to concentrate on why the "happy" people were

happy. I soon realized there seemed to be a couple underlying factors

that lead to their happiness / enthusiasm toward the new school year.

I have to… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on August 16, 2010 at 4:47pm — No Comments

Bring on the learning revolution!

A fabulous resource to educators is available, and the best part about is free! Visit the website and watch videos about "ideas worth spreading." I chose this

particular video by Sir Ken Robinson because I feel Robinson makes a

wonderful point about education. When we talk about education we need

to forget about the evolution of the school system, but rather we… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on August 4, 2010 at 12:13pm — No Comments

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