Scott Habeeb's Blog (41)

A sure sign that you don't really get AFL...

This was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning

Here's a sure sign that you don't fully understand AFL and how AFL practices will lead to your goal of helping students learn the content you teach:

You teach a primarily fact-based class or are currently teaching fact-based content - such as History, Biology, or Health - and the first time that your students are assessed/quizzed/tested/etc on facts it's on…


Added by Scott Habeeb on January 11, 2012 at 6:32am — No Comments

The Case Against Freshman Academies

This was originally posted on The Freshman Transition Network

Over the past decade as I have worked with high schools across the country, I have noticed that the term Freshman Academy has almost become synonymous for Freshman Transition Program.  This is a mistake along the same lines as saying that the word Hammer is synonymous with the word Tool.  A hammer is a type of tool.  A Freshman Academy is a type of…


Added by Scott Habeeb on December 8, 2011 at 9:07am — No Comments

New Terminology: Scoring v. Grading

This post was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.

After studying Assessment FOR Learning pretty intensely for the past few school years, I am now beginning to think that we might do ourselves a favor if we would change some of our terminology.  Specifically, I think it's time to stop using the words "grading" or "grade" as often as we do and replace them - at times - with "scoring" or "score".




Added by Scott Habeeb on September 6, 2011 at 2:01pm — No Comments

Is Zacchaeus in your classroom?

This was originally posted on The Freshman Transition Network.

Ever since I was a young child I have always liked the story of Zacchaeus found in the New Testament in the book of Luke, Chapter 19  I think it was because as a kid I identified with the fact that Zacchaeus was described as a short man.  Recently, though,…


Added by Scott Habeeb on August 8, 2011 at 4:50pm — 2 Comments

Of batting averages, grading, and MVP seasons...

This post was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.

While assessment and grading are two distinct topics, they often intertwine.  Occasionally something comes along to remind us that poor grading practices can end up negating effective assessment practices.  That's why Allen Iverson is on this site - to remind us that we need to give…


Added by Scott Habeeb on July 6, 2011 at 7:01am — No Comments

Set a Wayside Teaching Goal for Next School Year

Originally posted on The Freshman Transition Network.

Are you required to create formal growth objectives for next year?  Or are you simply interested in finding new ways to grow professionally regardless of whether or not you are required to have formal objectives?  Would you like to reach more effectively your most needy students?  Do you hope to have a lasting impact in the lives of the young people you…


Added by Scott Habeeb on June 2, 2011 at 8:08pm — No Comments

The American Dream

This was originally posted on The Freshman Transition Network.

Years ago, my good friend and colleague, Ray Moore, attended an AVID conference in San Diego.  He tells me that at the conference he heard the superintendent of San Diego City Schools state the following:


Added by Scott Habeeb on May 24, 2011 at 7:00pm — No Comments

The Pre-Test: A simple but EFFECTIVE AFL strategy

This was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.

My daughter's 7th grade English teacher at Andrew Lewis Middle School uses a time-tested easy-to-apply simple AFL strategy that motivates my daughter to work, helps her to learn, and ensures that her grade is an accurate reflection of that learning.


Every Monday the students are given a pre-test on that week's spelling words.  If the student spells 100% of…


Added by Scott Habeeb on May 13, 2011 at 7:56am — No Comments

The gift of HOPE

At the Freshman Transition Network we are always trying to find resources that can be used in the classroom to motivate and inspire kids.  This video is one such resource.  


Your students need to see this.  After they watch it, take an opportunity to talk about how they treat their fellow man.  Talk to them about Love and Forgiveness and Humility.  Take a moment to talk about judging others and the treating…


Added by Scott Habeeb on February 16, 2011 at 1:39pm — No Comments

Students understanding the value of assessment - nice to see!

This was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.

Recently I spent a few minutes in the classroom of SHS Marketing teacher Michelle Kovac.  Her Marketing students had just turned in projects that day.  


When I came into the class the students were in the process of evaluating similar projects turned in by last year's students.  Mrs. Kovac had given her students a rubric when they…


Added by Scott Habeeb on February 12, 2011 at 8:38am — No Comments

Essential Components of a Freshman Transition Program - Part 4 - Classroom Leadership

This series of posts on the essential components of a Freshman Transition Program is based on ideas found in The Ninth Grade Opportunity: Transforming Schools from the Bottom Up by Scott Habeeb, Ray Moore, and…

Added by Scott Habeeb on December 21, 2010 at 10:14am — No Comments

What we WANT students to do v. What we TRAIN students to do

This was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.

Here is a conversation you will probably never hear:

Sea World Trainer 1: "I am so tired of these seals. They always want a fish every time they do anything!"
Sea World Trainer 2: "Tell me about it. It's like they don't understand how important the show is. They only care about getting fish!"

The other day I was talking with…


Added by Scott Habeeb on December 9, 2010 at 8:00pm — No Comments

A student AFL conversation overheard in the library...

This was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.
A few days ago I happened to be walking through the library before school. Two female students were sitting at a table doing homework.

One of the students was working on a Math assignment. I heard her ask the other student, "Did you already do your Math homework?"

The other student replied, "No. I wait until after the 'check-up' and then decide if I…

Added by Scott Habeeb on November 23, 2010 at 8:32am — No Comments

Essential Components of a Freshman Transition Program - Part 3 - Standardizing Expectations

This series of posts on the essential components of a Freshman Transition Program is based on ideas found in The Ninth Grade Opportunity: Transforming Schools from the Bottom Up by Scott Habeeb, Ray Moore, and…

Added by Scott Habeeb on November 14, 2010 at 6:14pm — No Comments

How do you really know if you taught "it"?

This was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.

Note to teachers from Salem High School: This is a post about teaching, teachers, and students in general as opposed to a post about specific situations at Salem High School.

So after all the lesson plans have been created, all the class time has been spent, and all the papers have been graded, how do you really know if you've taught your content…

Added by Scott Habeeb on November 11, 2010 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Essential Components of a Freshman Transition Program - Part 2 - Making Time for Teams to Meet

This was originally on The Freshman Transition Network.

This series of posts on the essential components of a Freshman Transition Program is based on ideas found in The Ninth Grade Opportunity: Transforming Schools from the Bottom Up by Scott Habeeb,…

Added by Scott Habeeb on October 28, 2010 at 1:35pm — No Comments

AFL and Learning to Drive

This was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.

Have you ever watched a teenager prepare for the DMV Learner's Permit test? If you have, then you'll know what I mean when I say that it is an excellent example of Assessment FOR Learning.

(As an aside, I'm having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that my oldest child is now learning to drive a car. Kaitlin is everything I could ask for in a daughter with…

Added by Scott Habeeb on October 22, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Do they know if they know?

This was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.

Here's a quick and easy way to analyze how well you are applying AFL principles in your classroom:

If a parent were to ask his or her child how they were doing in your class, could the child give an accurate, detailed, and specific answer about his or her progress?

If you are regularly providing descriptive feedback to students…

Added by Scott Habeeb on October 13, 2010 at 1:02pm — 1 Comment

An Assessment Becomes a Learning Tool

This blog was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.
Today I had the privilege of observing a Salem High School Algebra 1 Part 1 class being taught by Jennifer Shannon. I watched a teacher very intentionally make sure that her classroom assessment - in this case the test she had given the previous day - was used as… Continue

Added by Scott Habeeb on October 8, 2010 at 1:55pm — No Comments

Practical Examples of AFL to Try in Your Classroom

This was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.

Assessment FOR Learning has grown to the point where that it now contains many different examples of how AFL can be practiced in a classroom. These ideas are scattered throughout the site. To make this site easier to navigate, this one blog will include links to all of the other classroom AFL examples. It's sort of like an AFL Wal-Mart -… Continue

Added by Scott Habeeb on October 2, 2010 at 7:37am — No Comments


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