Karen Maginnis's Blog (7)

Just wanting to put this here so I can come back and think about it.....

eSchool News article last November about a Harvard Ed prof and the seven skills kids must have before leaving K12. I know this is a rehash of stuff we see everywhere, but I want it in a place I come back to so I can think about it.

1. Problem-solving and critical thinking;

2. Collaboration across… Continue

Added by Karen Maginnis on April 13, 2009 at 8:40pm — No Comments

G-cast, Netvibes and my French classes

So, a Spanish teacher on campus told me how she had set up an account on G-cast, and gave the PIN to her students and they called in speaking assignments on the land line or their cell phones. This seemed rather cumbersome to me, but I went and explored the site. Lo and behold! They have… Continue

Added by Karen Maginnis on November 24, 2008 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

Jog the Web - Great Possibilities for Language Class

So, my Netvibes feed for all CR20 Blog posts had a thread about interactive white boards in which this website was discussed - JogTheWeb.com.

You can compose a tour of web sites, with comments on the bottom. I was thinking this could be great in a language classroom - kids go find some sites based on a certain criteria, read them, post why the apply to the criteria in the comments, or maybe a summary, and then present it to the class (or link… Continue

Added by Karen Maginnis on September 17, 2008 at 10:37pm — No Comments

Post Script to our Symposium session........

Well, shoot - I don't think I accomplished my objective for today. I don't think everyone left with a clear idea of Ning. Darn! If you check back here, please leave a comment here on my wall. Ask questions. Share how it went. Tell if you are confused or not. Be sure to look at the webcast introduction on the main page of the Classroom 20, Steve explores the site and shows what can be done.

Added by Karen Maginnis on September 13, 2008 at 1:46pm — 1 Comment

General Outline for the PAL Teacher Symposium presentation on Ning

Workshop objective: To expose WL Teachers to collaborative (Web 2.0) online resources and incorporate them into their practice as educators and as learners.

Outline for this mornings presentation

Intro-Social networking

By sitting here in this workshop, we are doing this right now, just old skool.

Is Facebook inherently evil? Yes, if you're a network tech. Let's think of this in terms of end use – the tools keep people connected and interacting. Why… Continue

Added by Karen Maginnis on September 13, 2008 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Just got my first student Voki assignment!

Assigned my second year French class a one-minute speaking assignment which they then emailed to me. This is so exciting!

Added by Karen Maginnis on September 7, 2008 at 9:40pm — 4 Comments

Getting ready to present Ning to world language teachers next Saturday....

Well, I'm getting ready to finalize this presentation for the Southern Arizona Language Symposium......I said I could present on Ning and am now feeling anxious about it. I want to split the time between professional development and student applications, and leave time for hands-on exploration. I always overplan these things [sigh.] Well, I guess it's better to have to cut out than to fill in, eh? Will check back in later. Off to walk the… Continue

Added by Karen Maginnis on September 6, 2008 at 10:34pm — No Comments


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