Bob Zenhausern's Blog (7)

Another Scam??

I received this email and my guess is that everyone on Classroom 2.0 has gotten one also. Steve Hargadon is the one who needs to act (or not) on this.…


Added by Bob Zenhausern on September 12, 2010 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

E-Learning vs E-Teaching

Teaching and Learning are two sides of the same coin but they are different.

A student learns using the web and a spreadsheet.
A teacher gives an assignment that could be solved using the web and spreadsheet, and ideally using different tools.

When we teach our students using TeleComputing tools we are E-Teaching and the students are doing E-Learning
When we go to an online conference we are doing E-Learning and the presenters, E-Teaching.

Added by Bob Zenhausern on June 27, 2010 at 8:42am — No Comments

The Lost Generation

echnology in the classroom has been growing exponentially over the past few years and Internet collaboration and alternative approaches to coursework are becoming a part of professional development. The neglected concept of a student portfolio has become a reality with the growth of blog, ning, and wiki. Even President Obama has embraced technology in learning, although his head of Education has not given up his position on standardized tests. It is not what you can do, but how well you can… Continue

Added by Bob Zenhausern on December 24, 2009 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

How do you think?

How do you think?

To answer that question you need to introspect and look deep in your mind and observe. This discussion will explore human consciousness especially as it pertains to education. I was involved in neuropsychology and learning disabilities for a long time and I have found some unique relationships. It is important to understand how your students think. But before you can do that, you need to know what makes you tick. Introspect with me.

When I ask "How do you… Continue

Added by Bob Zenhausern on November 23, 2009 at 8:04am — No Comments

A Researcher Looks at LD

I am a retired professor of neuropsychology who developed a research program on the relationship between the brain and learning disability. I want to outline one particular study and show its importance in how we diagnose and teach the children we now label learning disabled.

An identified group of poor readers who had clear phonological deficits in reading were compared to average readers on two simple tasks. A group of words preselected to be in the sight vocabulary of all… Continue

Added by Bob Zenhausern on April 26, 2009 at 12:14pm — 12 Comments

Who were the Pioneers of the Internet?

It is 1980 and the web was not invented, but the Bulletin Board System (BBS) flourished. They served the same function of a website, email, file transfer, graphic all in text. Most were served by a single phone line and there was no communication among the BBS.

Nostalgic Asides

I remember the Sister BBS in Staten Island, NY had to close down because of a hacker.

I found a 300 baud modem a little slow and felt the need to upgrade soon. Ancient history.

End… Continue

Added by Bob Zenhausern on April 8, 2009 at 4:13pm — No Comments

Turning Phonics on Its Head

The basic strategy of a phonics approach assumes that if you sound out the word and can hear it you will know what it means. For the most part it is an effective strategy and one that worked for me. On the other hand, those for whom it does not work, are called reading disabled.

The purpose of reading is to get meaning from the printed word. A phonetic approach requires you to look at the word and auditorize it (at least mentally) and when you hear the word, you will know what… Continue

Added by Bob Zenhausern on March 22, 2009 at 11:53am — 4 Comments


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