Brian Foley's Blog (3)

laptops are still the thing

I have been an ipad and generally a tablet skeptic from the get go (I like screens that can stand up on their own!).  But recently I was asked to help set up a social network for a project that purchased ipads for all the participants.  Ugh - I cant seem to find a good social networking tool that can deal with mobile safari.  So far only edmodo seems to provide any formatting options for entering text - but it wont let ipad users attach…


Added by Brian Foley on June 14, 2011 at 11:03am — No Comments

Looking for a social networking site that works with ipads

So many of the open source SN tools use editors like coeditor and tinymce that do not work well with iPads. I decided to give Ning another look. So far I see a few glitches, but text at least is easy to use.

Added by Brian Foley on June 14, 2011 at 10:45am — No Comments

Social Networks are a lot of work

The software is not that hard to use (especially ning - soo easy) so I thought it would not be too much work to put up one of my own. Turns out that getting that critical mass of users to keep the site going is a lot of work. We have had two false starts and finally our algebra teacher site looks like it is building some momentum. Who knew it would be this hard?

Added by Brian Foley on October 9, 2008 at 11:28pm — 3 Comments


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