Dorothy Hastings's Blog (12)

10 Exciting Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Kids

Mother’s Day is the one time of year dedicated to what our mom’s do for us. There are many things children can make for their moms that don’t require long hours. Other than taking her for a dinner and a memorable family trip, there are many small and inexpensive things you can do to show your love and respect towards her. A little time and creativity are all you need.

Mothers day photo

Here are 10 exciting Mother’s Day gift ideas for preschoolers. Choose any one of them and let…


Added by Dorothy Hastings on April 28, 2016 at 3:00am — No Comments

6 Tips to Prepare Your Child for Success In Preschool

Sending your child to preschool can be just as daunting for you as a parent as it is for your little one. The best thing you can do to make sure it’s a successful start for both of you is to prepare them in advance.

child success in preschool

Try these six tips to ensure both of you get the most out of what should be a fun and educational experience:

  • Firstly, don’t panic – even if you’re only reading this with a week or two to go,that is still…

Added by Dorothy Hastings on February 20, 2016 at 1:00am — No Comments

5 Tips to Help Your Child Get Through the First School Interview

School interviews start early with kids as young as three or four to gain acceptance for preschool or pre-kindergarten. Regardless of the nature and degree of the interview, it’s important for you to prepare your child fully so that he or she knows what to expect and has the best chances possible for success. As you prep for the interview, keep the following tips in mind.…

First School interview - child care


Added by Dorothy Hastings on February 4, 2016 at 4:00am — No Comments

Memorial Day Activities for Your Kids

Memorial Day is a national holiday reserved for honoring and remembering those who have served in the armed forces, especially those who have lost their lives while in the military and defending the United States.

This is also an opportunity to teach your kids about Memorial Day through patriotic themed activities. Here are four you can try on Memorial…


Added by Dorothy Hastings on May 18, 2015 at 1:31am — No Comments

5 Amazing Christmas Games That Preschoolers Would Love

Any planning for Christmas?  Find five amazing activities that are all Christmas themed and very educational for mental growth and development. Read First School’s latest blog to find…


Added by Dorothy Hastings on December 18, 2014 at 1:55am — No Comments

Thanksgiving: Time to Teach Your Kids About Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a wonderful occasion to give back something to the community. Learn practical ways to encourage gratefulness this Thanksgiving in First School’s newest blog.

Added by Dorothy Hastings on November 27, 2014 at 6:27am — No Comments

Thanksgiving: Time to Teach Your Kids About Gratitude

Most people view Thanksgiving as a holiday when family comes together to share a delicious meal. However, there is more to this holiday. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to teach your kids about how blessed they are.

Click Here to learn practical ways to encourage gratefulness this Thanksgiving in First School’s newest blog.

Added by Dorothy Hastings on November 25, 2014 at 6:30am — No Comments

Know the Secrets to Make Your Child a Singing Pro

Have you ever wished your child could sing as flawlessly as your favorite singer? It's possible for almost anyone with a voice to learn how to sing professionally. All you need to do is follow a step by step process while encouraging practicing as much as possible. If…


Added by Dorothy Hastings on September 26, 2014 at 2:30am — No Comments

6 Incredible Ways to Raise Confident Kids

Confidence is a critical aspect of leading a healthy, productive life. It is a key to boost your kid's confidence from childhood itself. Insult and injury are inevitable in life. However, children with high self confidence levels are more resilient and come through tougher times in life stronger than ever. The following details six simple ways that parents can build self confidence in kids.

  1. Practice what you…

Added by Dorothy Hastings on September 16, 2014 at 5:30am — No Comments

7 Extracurricular Activities to Discover Your Kids’ Potential

Extracurricular activities are a great way for young kids to develop social skills, learn more about something that they love and stay active. From gymnastics to art classes to sports, you are sure to find something will interest your little one.

  1. Gymnastics.
  2. Dance.
  3. Sports.
  4. Swimming.
  5. Martial arts.
  6. Educational classes.
  7. Music and creative arts.…


Added by Dorothy Hastings on September 15, 2014 at 2:00am — No Comments

Preschool Children: Know Their Needs and Characteristics

Preschoolers are curious about everything that they see and hear. This is a great time for caregivers, both parents and teachers, to mold the children’s minds and encourage them to use their creativity and imagination. This is also an important time for adults to teach social skills to help them adapt to a new environment filled with other kids. The world is widening for preschool kids and it is important for parents and teachers…


Added by Dorothy Hastings on September 1, 2014 at 1:59am — No Comments

Fun Ways to Celebrate Bonza Bottler Day

Bonza Bottler Day is celebrated every month on the day when the number of the month matches the number of the day (i.e. January 1, March 3, June 5 and so on).

The idea to celebrate this occurrence came from the mind of Elaine Fremont who established the first Bonza Bottler Day in 1985. Elaine Fremont established this day because she realized that August was…


Added by Dorothy Hastings on August 7, 2014 at 2:00am — No Comments

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