Something that has been happening a lot lately in the blogosphere has really got me excited; challenges... From Pernille Ripp's (
@4thGrdTeach) 10 picture house tour challenge, Katie Hellerman's (
@theteachinggame) connection challenge, Cale Birk's (…
Added by Justin Tarte on April 11, 2011 at 4:39pm —
This is part 4 of the "videos that WILL ignite a discussion" series. I have been using these videos during PD sessions, as well as during Power Lunch sessions to spur discussion and reflection. As educators, it is crucial that we are constantly in a state of reflection and evaluation, and with the help of these videos educators are able to engage in thoughtful and productive…
Added by Justin Tarte on March 20, 2011 at 8:45am —
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Evaluating educator evaluations...
Teacher and administrator evaluations...surely a topic that will garner the attention of all educators!
Yesterday I was sitting in my Advanced School Law class and we started discussing teacher evaluations as they pertain to contract renewals and dismissals. As my professor continued the discussion, I started to hear some great "tweetable" statements.
For those of you in the… Continue
Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:50pm —
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After thinking how cool it was for
@datruss and
@dwight_carter to have their own #noofficedays, I began to start thinking…
Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:49pm —
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A few days ago,
Justin and
I got the privilege of spending a few hours with the ever-insightful and inspirational author and speaker
Mark Sanborn. We had unknowingly crashed a professional public speakers meeting, and we got a chance to have an experience that was both unusual for us and really, really interesting. While Mark’s speech was directed…
Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:48pm —
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I recently read a blog post by
@johntspencer titled "
Techno-Shame." John eloquently explains why he has removed most 21st century technology blogs from his feeder. I will be taking a line directly from John's post because I don't believe I could say it any better...."Over time, I've dropped most of…
Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:45pm —
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I got the idea for writing this post while listening to a Taylor Swift song (insert laughter/joke here). Yes, I happen to enjoy the occasional song by Ms. Swift. By no means is this post meant to change the world or is it meant to provide some great insight into an educational problem. It is however, meant to encourage and motivate you.
The song is titled "Innocent," and there was one particular line that struck a cord with me...
"Today is never too late to be brand… Continue
Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:44pm —
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If you didn't know, I really enjoy watching short videos. In particular, I really enjoy watching videos that get me thinking and reflecting on my educational practices and beliefs. I have been using short videos in Professional Development sessions to get educators at my high school talking and discussing issues related to education. This is the third installment of the series..."videos that WILL ignite a discussion." I encourage you to check out…
Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:42pm —
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Here are 10 videos that will get you thinking and reflecting on your educational practices and beliefs. I did a post a few months ago with 7 different videos, and the response was quite positive. Leave a comment and let me know what other videos you would add to the list. Thank you and enjoy!
Added by Justin Tarte on February 6, 2011 at 7:08am —
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One of the biggest reasons I enjoy using Twitter is it enables me to connect with educators from all around the world. Additionally, Twitter has proven to be an efficient and effective platform to discuss pressing educational issues. Unfortunately, most…
Added by Justin Tarte on February 6, 2011 at 6:58am —
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A couple weeks I decided to do something most educators would never dream of doing. I gave all 140 of my German students the opportunity to assess me. I explained to my students that the assessment was 100% anonymous, and the most…
Added by Justin Tarte on February 2, 2011 at 9:30am —
We all live in a world that is rapidly changing, and in particular, the advancements associated with technology. As society evolves and changes, schools are coming under increasing pressure to stay with the times. So often we hear that technology is a silver bullet in education, but we must remember that technology is merely a tool. A tool in the hands of a sub-par educator will continue to yield a sub-par education, while a tool in the hands of a great educator will only enhance and aid…
Added by Justin Tarte on January 31, 2011 at 6:15am —
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6 Solutions to the Most Common Teacher Problems...

Last week we had our third professional development day at Seckman High School. As a PD representative, I had the opportunity to lead two PD sessions. The format of my sessions was to…
Added by Justin Tarte on January 31, 2011 at 6:11am —
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5 Ways to Empower Your Students...

Here are 5 concrete examples of how I am empowering my German 2 and 3 students. I was inspired to write this post after reading a great post by Chris Wejr (…
Added by Justin Tarte on January 24, 2011 at 6:47am —
5 reasons educators should start reading blogs:
1) - Blogs are the heart of learning and sharing... If you are an idea and inspiration junkie like myself, then you will find blogs to be extremely beneficial. Educators of all ages and backgrounds are bringing their ideas, reflections and experiences to one convenient location; their blog.…
Added by Justin Tarte on January 20, 2011 at 1:39am —
Here are 14 books that I have read over the last two years that have had a positive effect and impact on me as an educator. Some of these books were read in the book club at Seckman High School, and some were read as part of my doctoral studies. Despite doing a lot more online reading of late (blogs, articles, etc...), I still feel that books play an important role in educator growth and development. Please comment and let me know what you would add to the list.…
Added by Justin Tarte on January 20, 2011 at 1:37am —
I recently made some big changes in my German classes. I have been contemplating these changes for a while now, so please don't assume I made these changes without thoughtful consideration. My focus has transitioned to having my students show what they have learned, instead of simply assessing them on what they are willing to do. It bothers me when I see students who have a high level of content mastery, but yet have a low grade. Likewise, I see misrepresentation…
Added by Justin Tarte on January 20, 2011 at 1:36am —
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Educators from all around the world are beginning to use Twitter as a valuable piece in their professional growth toolbox. As professional development continues to evolve and transform, we will need new ways to encourage teachers to embrace new opportunities. Here is a "How…
Added by Justin Tarte on January 20, 2011 at 1:34am —
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Added by Justin Tarte on January 20, 2011 at 1:32am —
I recently had a discussion with a friend about the relative merits and demerits of technology, and before you jump in to claim that the pros outweigh the cons, let me iterate that the topic under debate was the value of (or lack of it) technology for those who are either scared to use technology or have no clue about it. The tech savvy may find this hard to understand, but there are still those who refuse to embrace technology or do so under considerable duress.
There’s no doubt that…
Added by Justin Tarte on January 20, 2011 at 1:30am —