Added by Larry Blodgett on March 31, 2012 at 8:19am — No Comments
Added by Larry Blodgett on March 31, 2012 at 8:08am — No Comments
Doing this late Sunday night, and it has to be moderated, so it may appear to be late--but, it's not.
This was an easy session for sure. We had a fog day which allowed me to take a day off work and finish up my share the wealth....that put me at a considerable advantage over some. I see now that we are to comment on other people's share-the-wealth presentations in session seven...and here I am about done with that. Most posted this afternoon and I'm going through them this…
ContinueAdded by Larry Blodgett on March 25, 2012 at 9:00pm — No Comments
I can't find a specific assignmente to write about in session five. I'm posting a day late. I went back and reread the intro, the new blooms, the collaberation and communication....don't see specific directions anywhere so....
Regarding the new Blooms, I read that at the beginning of the session and without a lot of review, I do know that appreciated these readings. They took Bloom's Taxonomy and brought it up to date, adding questions for the digital age. I also know that it had …
ContinueAdded by Larry Blodgett on March 12, 2012 at 7:48am — No Comments
Hmm, I don’t see as clear a prompt for this blog, it just seems to say to read the global project stuff, read the digital citizen ship stuff, explore the sites, and then keep this in mind while writing a blog post.
So, I’ll get to all of that, but, let me first give you—Katie some insight into what’s going on in my life. That is----why am I trying to be not too concerned about missing a forum post, etc. I’d been experiencing some health symptoms that mocked a …what is it? A TIA or…
ContinueAdded by Larry Blodgett on February 26, 2012 at 6:08pm — No Comments
Now that I've gone back and read the prompt, and reread the article on iclass....I believe that my originial blog entry adequately addressed the prompt. and will now turn my attention to portfolio development.
Added by Larry Blodgett on February 6, 2012 at 9:11pm — No Comments
It’s been a while now since I read all the articles, etc. Which sort of proves the value of reflective blogs, I’m forced to go back just a bit and think about what I read almost a week ago now. Glancing through my notes—highlights on Diigo, etc., a couple of things do come back as having made a big impression on me.
One—an expected time period for a problem based learning project is 3-7 weeks. This allows time for students to plan their work, schedule tasks, set goals,…
ContinueAdded by Larry Blodgett on February 6, 2012 at 8:24pm — No Comments
So, the question of the day is--how can I effectively incorporate more reflection and metacognition into my curriculum. Well, as an ITRT, I don't have a class of kids and I can' least not on an on-going basis.
However, knowing what I now know about the value of metacognition and reflection, I can more effectively talk to teachers about the possibilities presented by blogging --from what I've already seen I could tell my own stories quite similar to the one told about the middle…
ContinueAdded by Larry Blodgett on January 21, 2012 at 8:11pm — No Comments
Reflecting on the value of reflection.
I'm probably one of those who might've fallen into the trap of ridiculing refection as being all "touchy feely." The readings have certainly challenged this type of thinking.
For years I've had a belief in the value of reflection. Every so often in my devotional life--my walk with the Lord--I've started to keep journals, I've always felt this would be a "good practice" which would allow me to see growth, and revisit landmark experiences…
ContinueAdded by Larry Blodgett on January 15, 2012 at 6:32pm — No Comments
I had a couple more thoughts on the forum that I meant to go back and add, but now I can't remember what they were.
I would like to say that one really healthy thing that I've sort of learned from the class is to take some time regularly (daily?) and do some professonal reading. I plan to do my final bookmarking tomorrow, and actually don't mind putting off this "work" unti Sunday--the day of rest, because I find this reading to be very enjoyable and relaxing. Unfortunatly,…
ContinueAdded by Larry Blodgett on December 10, 2011 at 10:59am — 1 Comment
I've gotten into the bad habit of doing the blog the morning after and this time, there was not real reason for that except procrastination on my part.
This course is really planned right as far as making session six relatively relaxing and enjoyable at Thanksgiving time. I got the work done by Wednesday night and really had a very refreshing break. In reading the feedback just now, it looks like I've essentially made it. I'm not sure what more I can come up with in the…
ContinueAdded by Larry Blodgett on December 5, 2011 at 4:02am — No Comments
Here are some scattered thoughts related to the effort of the past two weeks.
Regarding research tools--thjis was a revealing assignment. I had never realy looked at the resource portals our schools have already purchased; These include Infotrac, and SIRS. Just now, in looking at links page from Arcadia High School I see that we also purchase Biography in Context and have a link to Virginiga' Community of Learning. I stated in my forum post that I'd recommend to the media…
ContinueAdded by Larry Blodgett on November 21, 2011 at 6:52am — No Comments
This morning I see the value of this blog and the whole bit about reflection being important---first I'll vent a second.
This was a marathon session for me. First I discovered there were things I hadn't done last session, and I had to get them in, which put me several days behind. Then I diivided up the work, what would I need to do each night, etc., only to get to the end and discover that once again, I had read wrong, and there was more to do. Ten portfolio entries--it seems…
Added by Larry Blodgett on November 7, 2011 at 4:20am — 1 Comment
Added by Larry Blodgett on October 23, 2011 at 10:27pm — No Comments
Added by Larry Blodgett on September 22, 2011 at 1:27pm — No Comments
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