Cameron Brown's Blog (7)

Student screencasting

In a previous post I mentioned how I stumbled upon 2 science teachers in Colorado who provide their students with screencasts of course material. Inspired by their success I began using CamStudio to create screencasts where I modeled how to solve chemistry word problems. I have a LaPazz pen tablet that allows me to write on my computer desktop and in microsoft programs like Word and Powerpoint. I posted the screencasts on Youtube so that my students… Continue

Added by Cameron Brown on May 13, 2009 at 9:22am — No Comments

Evolutionary basis of ADHD

I found the Discover March 2009 article "Are we still evolving?" by Kathleen McAuliffe very interesting. The article discusses evidence for human evolution that has taken place over the past 50,000 years. As an educator I found it particularly interesting when the writer discussed the possible evolutionary basis for ADHD. The notion that ADHD and the patterns of behavior that are associated with the disorder, could have at some point, provided our… Continue

Added by Cameron Brown on March 25, 2009 at 1:23am — No Comments

Merit-based pay an Obama inititiative

I just read this article from edweek that discusses President Obama's educational intitiatives. Certainly merit-based pay is something many of us dedicated, motivated educators get excited about, but I think the devil is in the details here...Of course I want to make more money and have my work recognized, but I have trouble seeing how this type of program would work. What criteria will be… Continue

Added by Cameron Brown on March 14, 2009 at 8:34pm — 3 Comments

A practical and inspiring use of vodcasting

I teach high school science at a small international school in Busan, South Korea where 90% of our students are ethnic Korean (check out BFS here). We have a substantial ESL population. The attention level of some of these students is very low, which I believe in some cases is linked to their comprehension level. I was inspired by stumbling apon this website that used vodcasting as… Continue

Added by Cameron Brown on March 9, 2009 at 7:44am — No Comments

Second Life in science teaching

I just found this article discussing the use of Second Life in teaching science. I have no experience with Second Life but must admit my interest is piqued. Curious if other teachers have tried using SL in their teaching(?).

Added by Cameron Brown on March 8, 2009 at 9:59am — No Comments

Thoughts on on-line assessment

I have been doing lots of research on on-line teaching and learning recently. I have gotten into the habit of downloading loads of podcasts from various websites, putting them on my 2GB iriver media player and listening to them as I walk my cocker spaniel pup around the neighborhood ( or I'm a high school science teacher and I remember learning about the hey day of German scientific scholarship around the early… Continue

Added by Cameron Brown on March 7, 2009 at 8:15pm — No Comments

Some thoughts on the virtual classroom

I've just recently started teaching on-line using the WizIQ website. Some of my chemistry students expressed an interest in spending some time outside of class preparing for the SAT II Chemistry subject test that is coming up in May. I thought it would be a great opportunity to try on-line teaching.

I've only taught a couple classes so far, but I've spent considerable hours researching and attending others' online classes at I've read several articles where people claim… Continue

Added by Cameron Brown on February 10, 2009 at 7:17am — No Comments


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