Scott Beiter's Blog (8)

My New Blog on Tech, Learning and Such (Hello APPR)

Just started a new blog to meet APPR reflection requirements.  I've always wanted to get one going anyhow and this was the perfect opportunity.  One of my first posts is about using my Xoom to remotely access my school computer.  Pretty cool.

I'll be posting about twice a month.


Added by Scott Beiter on September 29, 2011 at 3:56pm — No Comments


This week begins my experiment with Edmodo.  I began with some netiquette guidelines in each of my classes.  My intention is to start with using it for absent students and homework help.  I'll incorporate it more as time goes on, beginning with my highschool general chemistry class.  What will be the results?  I don't know.  But I do know that I'm glad I'm starting this experiment now before incorporating it full tilt next school year.

Added by Scott Beiter on January 4, 2011 at 5:49pm — 6 Comments


This blog has been stagnant for awhile so I decided I'd better update it. I was reminded to do this after a few students decided to Google me while we were in the computer lab. I was actually a bit embarrassed that they would see out of date information. Thankfully, I try to keep my online presence middle school appropriate.

Added by Scott Beiter on February 12, 2009 at 12:57pm — No Comments

First Class Done

Finished my first graduate course for my instructional technology program and loved it. I got so much more out of it than I did with my first masters in science education. I look forward to the one week intensive class I'll be taking this summer on hypermedia design and instruction. I also have the opportunity to begin redesigning my curriculum for next year. I'm going to further differentiate my instruction by adding more instructional technology options for students.

Added by Scott Beiter on May 27, 2008 at 8:47am — No Comments

Graduate Work

Started the jouney of instructional technology graduate study this past week. This is my first on-line course and so far I'm enjoying it. Since I've been coming to this site and others to discuss and collaborate, I've already done much of what I'll be doing in my first class. My experiences on-line I feel have helped me greatly. Reading blogs in my aggregator and posting to discussions has really primed me for what is expected in this class. At the moment I feel as if I'm in cruise control and… Continue

Added by Scott Beiter on February 4, 2008 at 9:43am — No Comments

MS - Instructional Technology

I have been accepted into the MS - Curriculum Development and Instructional Technology Program and SUNY Albany. I'm not sure exactly what to expect but am looking forward to the course study. I'll be taking classes part time starting in the spring of 08. The classes will be on-line and during the summer. I read somewhere that anyone interested in instructional technology needs to take several classes on line to get the feel for on line learning. These will be my first online courses. I'm… Continue

Added by Scott Beiter on July 18, 2007 at 12:16pm — 2 Comments

Research Papers

Once again I tried something new in my 8th grade science class. This year for a final assessment I borrowed a research project on Influential Thinkers. Students could choose from Newton to J. Goodall for topics. They then had to do research using both the internet and books. A final typed paper of over 1 page (2-3 hand written) was the expectation. Here were the problems.

1. Half the 3.5'' drives in the library didn't work.

2. Every kid wanted to use Wikipedia, but the district… Continue

Added by Scott Beiter on June 10, 2007 at 6:40pm — No Comments

Instructional Technology

Web 2.0 is evidence of a growing trend in education toward the use of instructional technology. The field has become so pervasive now that its becoming increasingly difficult to keep up. The cornucopia of tools available to teachers is dumbfounding. From Moodle to the projector in my classroom; I am overwhelmed. I first became aware of the vastness of technology when my favorites in Firefox began to balloon with video, picture, and other freeware. There are so many resources available that… Continue

Added by Scott Beiter on May 25, 2007 at 8:43am — No Comments


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