Carolyn Foote's Blog (7)

Giddy about learning

(Cross posted at

I feel like a giddy schoolgirl this morning–just having so much fun interacting with other educators around the world who are also giddy about what they are doing.

While most of us in the U.S. were sleeping, Jeff Utecht of Thinking Stick in Shanghai was testing out a new site called…


Added by Carolyn Foote on September 24, 2007 at 5:45am — No Comments

NECC 2007 to......2008

Though my blog has had a meltdown the last two weeks, I HAVE been blogging Necc 2007 on a site called tumblr, which is very handy for quickly posting things.

IF you want to check it out, or read about some sessions at NECC, check it out at

It's been great getting to meet people in person, get inspired, and meet new people.

We're leaving and heading back to campus with a plan to start a women…


Added by Carolyn Foote on June 27, 2007 at 1:06pm — 1 Comment

Blogging central for NECC

I think it would be great to have a "blogging central" site for NECC--sort of like LeaderTalk where you could go and read a lot of different impressions of the conference, all in one place.

With so many people posting on their own blogs, but all of us at the conference, it's hard to keep up, so it'd be nice to have one spot to post things, read things, keep up with "not miss" sessions.

Idea for next year?

Added by Carolyn Foote on June 26, 2007 at 4:43am — No Comments

Innovation. embrace the new.

A must read article on an idea for a new network and conference for Innovation in Education:

Anyone interested???

Added by Carolyn Foote on May 10, 2007 at 9:47pm — 1 Comment

365 days

Over at the Library 2.0 group, Libraryman(Michael) who is a power Flickr user, posted a great idea that I wanted to share here.

He's starting a 365 Library Days project, where you document your library for a year, and post 365 photos to the Flickr library group.

I thought this idea had a lot of connections for Classroom 2.0. What if we contributed 365 photos to a classroom 2.0 group on flickr? Or just took this idea back to our individual schools?

More on my…


Added by Carolyn Foote on April 9, 2007 at 7:28am — 2 Comments

This morning on Ning, I learned...

After reading some discussion here, following links, and reading at 2 Cents Worth about Ning, I wanted to share a few things I learned here today.

I learned about the site LifeHacker, which I hadn't seen before.

I found Chris Craft's blog, Crucial Thought.

I followed the link to the Classroom 2.0 wiki and explored that some. (had heard about it but…


Added by Carolyn Foote on April 7, 2007 at 8:56am — 4 Comments

Borrowing from Library 2.0 group

I was just in the Library 2.0 group--a couple of interesting items to share.

Bill Drew created a Clusty Cloud for "library 2.0" which displays in the sidebar--helpful touch, I thought.

Also, a blogger Connie Crosby in Library 2.0 referenced an interesting article on Wired about an effort by the Charlotte Mecklenberg Public Library, Learning 2.0--called 23 Things, where they ask their library staff to…


Added by Carolyn Foote on March 29, 2007 at 4:22pm — No Comments


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