James Edward Charles Webber's Blog (11)

The Teaching Game


Added by James Edward Charles Webber on September 10, 2010 at 8:05pm — No Comments

Do YOU Police the Universe?

As we watch the actions of some and what happens to others in our busy world we find it easy to rail against the many unfairness and injustices that appear to take place. The media brings us a daily pictorial torrent of the misfortunes of some and the persecutions of others. So it’s not surprising we find it hard to discern ‘meaning’ amongst this blizzard of information, and it’s not surprising when we create our own ‘mental uprisings’ and, in our conversations, find ourselves making our own…


Added by James Edward Charles Webber on June 27, 2010 at 10:07pm — No Comments

S2P - 5-min workout in the green can banish the blues

Link to Reuters article: 5-min workout in the green can banish the blues…


Added by James Edward Charles Webber on May 14, 2010 at 10:22pm — No Comments

Living in the Question

Living in the Question

Was there ever a time when there were no questions? A time before curiosity was born, when the ‘need to know’ was not yet hatched in the minds of men and women? A time before science sought knowledge and even before philosophers wondered about the nature of knowing? If there was such a time it would have been an age of innocence and contentment, and probably an innate awareness that all is as it should be … all is well… all the time …everywhere. Somewhere out… Continue

Added by James Edward Charles Webber on January 23, 2010 at 7:43am — No Comments

Finding Balance or Being Centred – What’s the Difference?

Do you feel you are living a balanced life? Do you believe you have your priorities right? Is your work interfering with your life or is your life interfering with your work? During this last decade in particular much has been said and written, many courses devised and delivered, on how to achieve that apparently elusive vision of a work/life balance. Some believe they are being forced to work too much at the cost of their relationships with family and friends, while others consciously… Continue

Added by James Edward Charles Webber on January 3, 2010 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

The Charlie Schulz Philosophy

Scroll through slowly and read carefully to receive and enjoy full effect

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.

You don't have to actually answer the questions just ponder on them.

Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America… Continue

Added by James Edward Charles Webber on December 8, 2009 at 5:35pm — No Comments

S2P - On Leadership A New Enthusiasm

A movie from SimpleTruths: http://www.theleadershipmovie.com/

Reflections on enthusiasm and leadership from Mike George. (You can subscribe to his Clear Thinking mailouts on www.relax7.com)

Many of us awaken each day in a different mood. Others find their mood swinging unpredictably and uncontrollably throughout the day. And some seem to become unchangingly stuck in a rut characterised by continuously dull feelings. Our moods obviously influence our level of… Continue

Added by James Edward Charles Webber on May 19, 2009 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Meditation ? What you May SEE - Part II 명상으로 알게 되는 것 (제2부)

"You are by ‘nature’ a peaceful being.are in ‘essence’ a silent being.are at the very ‘core’of your being completely and utterly still. You are the still point of awareness around which the world spins".So say most of the world’s wisdom paths.right now, as the ‘world’ tells you of its various ills and woes it’s likely you feel far from being peaceful, being silent and being still.purpose of meditation isnot to make a journey, not to work hard in some effortful inner endeavour, it is simply to… Continue

Added by James Edward Charles Webber on April 5, 2009 at 9:20pm — No Comments

Part II of Depossessing Your Possessions 소유물 소유하지 않기, 제2부

Last week we reminded ourselves that we cannot actually possess anything. We can grasp objects with our hands, we can store things in a cupboard, we can lock things in a vault, we can use human made laws to attempt to prove ownership of property, but ultimately no thing belongs to us. We cannot take anything with us when we go. The belief in possession is what keeps us trapped in subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) forms of insecurity. The fear of loss or damage drains our ability to relax and… Continue

Added by James Edward Charles Webber on March 11, 2009 at 2:39am — No Comments

Scholarship for online course March 2009

Please find below a quick update and our next scholarship, and on our

upcoming courses:


We are pleased to offer a fully-funded scholarship on our next 'E-

moderation Skills' online course which runs from 1 - 30 March 2009.

The course - 'E-moderation: A Training course for online tutors' -

takes place over four weeks entirely online, and is aimed at teachers,

trainers, and educators who are interested in… Continue

Added by James Edward Charles Webber on January 26, 2009 at 1:11pm — No Comments

Are You Awake Yet? 이제 잠 깨셨습니까?

옴 샨티, 평화의 인사를 보냅니다. Om Shanti, Greetings of Peace!

지금까지 매주 1회 보내드리고 있는 영혼을 위한 좋은 글 나눔을 저자 마이크조지의 사정에 따라 당분간 격주로 보내드리게 됨을 알려드립니다.

We have been sending out this S2P(Something to Ponder) every week but from this week we'll send it every other week due to the author's schedule.

Are You Awake Yet? 이제 잠 깨셨습니까?

Although you believe you woke up this morning it is highly likely that you are still fast asleep. Not the kind of sleep that kept you unconscious during the night, but… Continue

Added by James Edward Charles Webber on December 14, 2008 at 4:38pm — No Comments


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