10 More Ways to Use Blogs in Your Classroom

1. Instead of having students hand write their writing homework each night, have them post their writing to a blog so that other students can read what they wrote and share comments. 

Blogging? It's Elementary, My Dear Watson!  


2. Have students have literature discussions via a blog so the conversations can take place from different classrooms and can continue at home.


3. Have students blog about their feelings about moving onto the grade and/or school.

4. Have students submit different ideas for a class service project or field trip.

5. Submit a topic that is controversial for your particular group of students and have them engage in a discussion.

Blogging with Elementary School Students


6. Have students act out a favorite scene from a book, record it,  and share their video via a class blog.

7. Use as a communication forum for teacher and parents.  Parents could use it to plan a class party, event, or outing while keeping the teacher in the loop.   

Keep Parents in the Loop With a Class Website


8. Students can blog about issues or concerns they are having in school. (Should be monitored closely.)

9. Students can use as a forum for homework help at night.

10. Students collaborate, working in teams, on answering higher level questions based on certain learning topics.  Answers could contribute to a grade on the content.

Views: 79

Tags: blogging, blogs, classroom-uses, student-uses

Comment by Alison Saylor on March 31, 2013 at 8:28pm

I love your idea of students posting homework to blogs. This has so many possibilities. Lit circles is another great idea! You really have creative ideas for blog use in classrooms!!


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