2012 Social Learning Summit session Keynote: D.Warlick

The Landmark Project (http://davidwarlick.com)


1980s - simple programmed or his own program games

Shared his experience and his students learning with his stock barons group... learned they could sell more stocks than they owned... glitch in his program... cockiness... concern... worry... 


Ex. write a children's books/stories... about a week... with Librarian collaboration


1990s - started on internet


Away from Computer for a few sections

Some things participants shared:

Little Bird Tales
Capture your child's voice and imagination with our creative story building tool and share them with friends and family.

MAKE BELIEFS COMIX! Online Educational Comic Generator for Kids of All Ages
oni Olivieri-Barton 11:34 AM
Maizie 11:40 AM
@ Carole my pearltree for digital storytelling http://pear.ly/bAVu9


This website invites submissions of IRC chat-related humorous personal stories: http://www.irc.org/fun.html

Rhonda Doyle 11:43 AM
at risk students learn to understand their strengths
relevancy becomes the incentive 11:43 AM
Shayne 11:48 AM

Just looked at some of the projects on http://www.thinkquest.org/en/ - so impressive!

Story about 14 year old at risk boy who had learned concepts that were college level because he found it taught at aUniversity online and read and taught and emailed professor, lying about his age, saying he was a graduate student with a question.... and got answers and was able to learn...

How to cultivate networks by ideas





His URL of teachers interviews to connect learners to each other


Part VII:  Wishing on a fading start... 1996-7 ish...

workshops all over east coast with teachers...



Lots to learn and particpate in... power... empowerment.... vested interests of govt ... soc intererests, politicial interests, etc.  How do we wrestle this and how do we cooperate... struggle among education and other entities that cause limits and power of control...limits of text, bell schedule... etc.


21st century education must be identifiied by it's lack of limits



Maizie 11:57 AM
I have made a pearltree of this session http://pear.ly/bAXLL




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