21st Century Tools from Twitter District PD today

I was asked to help with a District Professional Development training on 21st Century Skills today. One of the first things that I did was to to Twitter and ask my PLN for help. I posted the following ... "In District PD on 21st Century Skills. Please reply w/where R you from, what is your favorite on-line 21st Century tool & why do you use it?"

Below are screenshots of the responses to my tweet. Thanks to everyone who responded - the information was well received!

Views: 56

Comment by Andrew Pass on March 26, 2009 at 10:52am

Thanks for posting. It's interesting to see the list of applications posted by different people.
Comment by Kelly Hines on March 26, 2009 at 7:37pm
What a great list. DM'ed you too late :( I think these smart folks about covered it though!


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