Looking at the rapid advancement of technology the world is changing very fast and with it changing the people’s living style and habits. Everything is driven with the help of technology and it has become really difficult for someone to remember even a single item that doesn’t use technology. Learning has also lent itself in to the hands of technology and has taken a new name as E-Learning.
E-Learning or online education as said by many is the flavour among the students now worldwide. The concept of traditional tutoring or campus tutoring is fast becoming a passé. Online education with its flexible and unique nature has made its inroads not only to the school students but also among the professionals. Online education is provided using collaborative softwares that have an inbuilt white board, instant messaging services, VoIP(voice over Internet protocol), advance tools for teaching subjects like mathematics that lets you draw all type of geometrical figures and lets you share the documents, ppt’s etc with students. All this has made online tutoring hugely popular among the students. Another thing about online tutoring is the flexibility it provides in its tutoring module in terms of timings of the classes, one-on-one sessions, tutors and customisation of a lesson plan.
Online tutoring let students to schedule their classes according to their own convenient time and this helps them to continue with their professional and personal engagements without rescheduling their time sheet. Generally a good database of tutors are available with the online tutoring companies that are all highly qualified and experienced and that gives students the option to choose any of those tutors for hosting their class. Unlike campus classes whereby only a single tutor is available for a class of atleast 25-30 students, online tutoring provide only one-on-one tutoring sessions and that gives the required attention needed in a class. The most striking feature of online tutoring is that one can customise a particular session or class in terms of the topic covered in it.
There are other means on online education also, apart from live online tutoring. There are various online learning communities whereby tutors and tutees are registered, it let tutees to ask any query or question and tutors in exchange provide the answers. Though most of these type of communities are free but you can never be sure about the information supplied by the tutors to your query.
Coming back to the online tutoring, I think it’s the best in terms of features it offers. You can get online tutoring in subjects like maths, physics, English etc and apart from that you get complete assistance in preparatory exams like SAT, GRE, GMAT etc.
Though there are many online tutoring companies that are offering live tutoring but the one that I like personally is 24hourstutor.com.

Views: 37

Tags: 24/7tutoring, 24hourstutor, Mathematics, distance, e-learning, e-tutoring, education, educationuk, k-12, learning, More…one-on-one, online, tutor, tutoring, tutoruk

Comment by Aniya on July 24, 2008 at 9:52am
This is an interesting post...I am quite new to all this but have just started teaching online with www.myngle.com which I rate a very serious new platform for online teaching, I have been lucky enough to have found some really dedicated and motivated adult students. My offline classes were coming to an end for the summer and this seemed to be asking me to enter into it, I'm glad I did because I'm loving every minute, Aniya


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