Wanna Share Cool Science Resources?

No matter how much we love the internet and our online experiences, we can still love the real world, in its basic nature. I know kids always enjoy learning Science and Math, especially when we are enjoying the teaching with confidence.

Do you like to share what you are working on in your science/math classes? Would like to meet other like-minded teachers who want to share with you? Come chat with us at TappedIN Math and Science K-20 monthly meetings.

Each month, on the first Tuesday, Jeff Cooper and several other ed/tech professionals, including YOU, interested in science teaching and integrating technology meet at TappedIN to share and discuss various topics of interest. Join us! We are very informal, and everyone helps each other.
Tomorrow's Math K-20 and Science K-20 Resources meetings will take place at 4:00PDT and 5:00PDT. You can come to both or just one.

Go to TappedIN anytime before the meeting, and sign up. It is very easy to join. SRI , a highly respected educational research organizations, sponsors TappedIN. They make it available free to any teacher, parent or education stakeholders.

I want to personally invite you to meet some great people who will help you get your bearings at the TappedIN reception room. This is real time help. There will also be a Tapped In Tips & Tricks-Virtual Fieldtrip of TI at 2:30PM PST(-08:00GMT).

Come by and chat. We share and learn what we know about Science and Math;D

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