Doug Johnson will join me next Thursday of Friday. He has been the Director of Media and Technology for the Mankato Public Schools since 1991 and has served as an adjunct faculty member of Minnesota State University, Mankato since 1990. His teaching experience has included work in grades K-12 in schools both here and in Saudi Arabia. He is the author of four books: The Indispensable Librarian, The Indispensable Teacher's Guide to Computer Skills, Teaching Right from Wrong in the Digital Age and Machines are the Easy Part; People are the Hard Part. His regular columns appear in Library Media Connection, Leading & Learning magazines and on the Education World website, and his articles have appeared in over forty books and periodicals. Doug has conducted workshops and given presentations for over 130 organizations throughout the United States as well as in Malaysia, Kenya, Thailand, Germany, Qatar, Canada, Chili, the UAE and Australia and has held a variety of leadership positions in state and national organizations, including ISTE and AASL. Ian Gibson with be joining me for a carpool in the next few weeks, he is the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation Chair in Education - Teachers for the Future Associate Dean Research Australian Centre for Educational Studies Macquarie University, Sydney More than this amazing credential, he is a revolutionary in education and a friend. / Tim Holt will soon join me for a carpool. Tim Holt’s Blog and Podcast site on the state of Education Technology.Based in El Paso Texas, Tim takes you through the ins and outs of Ed Tech from his unique perspective as a 22 year educator and District Technology Administrator. Byte Speed Podcasts are available on the iTunes Music Store. / Terri Eis will carpool next Friday afternoon. Terri has spent her life in education and is a change-oriented employee of the Kansas State Department of Education. / Steve Dembo is Online Community Manager for the Discovery Educator Network. His carpool should be up next week. / Dr. Rae Niles is Director of Curriculum & amp; Technology at Sedgwick Public Schools, USD 439. Our possible topics will be: How does technology change the teaching and learning? Can technology be a catalyst for change? How? Why would we want to think about preparing students for life in the Digital Age? How do we help teachers see how technology is not an add-on? What leadership needs to be in place to make a change in the school culture so technology is not an "event" but rather a part of the learning? / This carpool will happen week after next! Visit my podcast on iTunes:

Views: 27

Comment by Kevin on May 6, 2007 at 11:31am
Cool! I love this space and I'm telling everyone who will listen to come here to collaborate! Thanks for listening to my podcasts, they are a bit rough around the edges but I think they will improve over time. : )
Comment by Cathy Nelson on May 6, 2007 at 12:22pm
You had me at "Doug Johnson..."
Comment by Kevin on May 6, 2007 at 12:37pm
I agree strongly that the library media specialist is the bridge between old literacy and new and empowering ones! I will share your question with Doug.
Comment by Kevin on May 6, 2007 at 12:55pm
I love this idea! Let me start by saying that I was just discussing interviewing kids (moderated by teachers ) for my podcast on the topic of what we should learn and how. To ask them for their opinions. I will share this idea with friends and let it germinate. Have you pursued this idea? I do work with kids to get them published on lulu. They get so excited once they are "published" authors! This conversation is why I love classroom 2.0!
Comment by Kevin on May 6, 2007 at 5:14pm
That is amazing! I am always amazed at the people one can meet by accident. The work you did is very intriguing to me. As I look at the charter schools I work with and the brilliant and largely untapped minds that inhabit them, I am always looking for ways to allow them to collaborate on projects and see a larger world. Using technology, the internet, podcasting, teleconferencing, maybe we can create some opportunities. I am open for collaborative ideas and can bring a few open-minded teachers to join the fun. Any ideas?
Comment by Kevin on May 6, 2007 at 8:24pm
Can I interview you for Driving Questions? I'd love the opportunity to allow you to hold forth on any topic you'd like. Shoot me an email if you have any interest! If you're interested, we'll get a time figured out.


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