Defining Homosapien-Tattalous
Since the beginning of civilization, human beings have felt the need to get each other in trouble. It seems to be the life-long ambition of some individuals to make others miserable in-order-to feel a little better about there own small lives. I am of course speaking of homosapien-tattalous (the tattletale). This species of human is unfortunately not rare and is commonly found on school play yards and in elementary school classrooms (though they are known to frequent lunchrooms, water-cooler areas, and the office mail room, among many other locals). Tattle tales are often easy to spot at long distance and should be avoided at all costs. The tattletale often lacks self esteem and rarely has close friends. Tattletales are parasitic creatures that feed by sucking the happiness from others (not unlike a dementor if you fancy Harry Potter). Alas, being a teacher I cannot avoid interacting with the larva tattletales. Thus as educators we must develop strategies to handle the creature without harming it. If you cause harm to a tattletale, it will of course tattle on you. Thus the conundrum.
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