Lands’ End will recognize outstanding teachers that have made a difference in the life of a student, a school or a community.

Forty-five (45) teachers will receive the coveted Lands’ End Lighthouse Award – representing the company’s 45-year history.
* Three (3) Grand Prize winners will receive between $4,000-$10,000 for the teachers to split with the winning school.
* Forty-two (42) Honorable Mention winning teachers will receive a $100 Lands End gift card.
But that’s not all –
NOMINATE a Grand Prize winning teacher and also receive a $250 Lands’ End gift card or
nominate an Honorable Mention winning teacher and get a $25 Lands End gift card.
If you'd like to recognize an extraordinary teacher or get more information, submit an essay up to 500 words and fill out the online entry form at
The contest ends at midnight, April 17, 2008.
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