Chatlog from Will Richardson's TAIS08 session on RSS--from

This is up and online and embedded at my blogpost at I'm posting the text chat here so Will and others can see the robust conversation that went on in the backchat. Life is good:).

10:14 LucyGray : Is there a web site for this conference?
10:15 scottmerrick : yeah hang on
10:15 kpruitt : learn how to use a reader
10:15 kpruitt : RSS
10:16 tsakshaug : learn how to filter info is the answer?
10:18 scottmerrick : google TAIS Memphis
10:18 fsinfo : see you all later
10:18 scottmerrick : locking down until 1:20!
10:18 tsakshaug : lunch!?
10:18 LucyGray : thanks, scott
01:21 scottmerrick : we're heeeeeree
01:21 cfisher : the pd fest continues in nashville!
01:21 cfisher : just left LParisi's classroom and now am here
01:21 cfisher : hi will
01:21 scottmerrick : yay clarence is here!
01:22 sharonbetts : Man Will makes the rounds - bet there's no snow inTN
01:22 cfisher : not yet
01:22 cfisher : fly tomorrow
01:22 cfisher : Ill ustream that!
01:22 Brumbaugh : Hiya Lucy...
01:22 sharonbetts : this is rss session, right?
01:22 scottmerrick : RSS
01:22 scottmerrick : According to Will
01:23 EricLanghorst : Will - Hello from Liberty, Missouri - watching you during my plan period
01:23 cfisher : this entire day has been a pd fest on usteam!
01:23 sharonbetts : @cfisher - you said it - didn't get much done for work though
01:24 EricLanghorst : Scott - Thanks for UStreaming this!
01:24 scottmerrick : yw!
01:24 Brumbaugh : Did anyone see the two youtube videos that Wesley Fryer posted yesterday about blogging?
01:24 cfisher : notice he lost the suit jacket since this AM. the casual look
01:24 sharonbetts : hope to use rss to bring school website news to front of district page
01:24 skajder : Thanks for UStreaming - we're watching from a doc. class at VA Tech
01:25 sharonbetts : @Brumbaugh - got any links - going to be PDing blogging this summer
01:25 scottmerrick : for stuff
01:26 Brumbaugh :
01:26 EricLanghorst : great room!
01:26 scottmerrick : :)
01:26 scottmerrick : backchat is welcome! btw
01:26 sharonbetts : @Brumbaugh- thanks - got it bookmarked
01:26 scottmerrick : thanks Brum
01:26 Brumbaugh : there is also the commoncraft show videos on Blogging and RSS readers
01:27 kpruitt : I love how we all know what words and ideas are tough to understand...we start to explain veryyyy slowlyyyyy
01:27 sharonbetts : Got Crafts stuff - good resources
01:27 thekyleguy : Hey folks. Thanks for the link Clarence. SHouldn't you be packing?
01:27 sharonbetts : what did we do before ustream, twitter, etc?
01:28 njtechteacher : I stumbled on the things I was lucky enough to find on my own.
01:28 scottmerrick : lots of googling and lots of missing great learning
01:28 sharonbetts : I love being able to be "in the room" with Will or David or Vicki nearly 24/7
01:28 thekyleguy : message boards, IM & listservs
01:29 scottmerrick : lol at "toe in the water" -- extended analogy from last session
01:29 sharonbetts : any of your teachers use rss to monitor their students' blogs?
01:29 thekyleguy : Who is this presentation to?
01:29 scottmerrick : TN Ass'n of Independent Schools
01:29 Brumbaugh : I ready the blogs of the students in our Global Comm class
01:29 skajder : @sharonbetts - is there any other way to really m anage them?
01:29 scottmerrick : will get a url for ya
01:29 sharonbetts : TAIS- TN
01:29 thekyleguy : RSS = Tivo
01:29 cfisher : @thekyleguy truck is packed and ready to roar down the road in 30 minutes
01:29 cfisher : flight tomorrow at noon but need to drive to Winnipeg tonight
01:30 scottmerrick : showing his google reader
01:30 sharonbetts : @skajder we use 21classes, but those that don't
01:30 cfisher : @sharonbetts I monitor al of my student blogs using RSS
01:30 kpruitt : darn still can't get into Will reader
01:30 thekyleguy : @cfisher Right on. Taking the whole family? Have you been before
01:30 fsinfo : hello again
01:30 sharonbetts : my google reader is even worse than my desk
01:30 scottmerrick : haha kpruitt i'll send you the password
01:30 ransomtech : I use netnewswire on my computer... and love it!
01:30 bcdtech : I use rss to monitor student work as well
01:31 kpruitt : add my blog to his reader :)
01:31 cfisher : all 4 of us are going. nope, it one plave we've never been. really looking forward to the break
01:31 kpruitt : lol
01:31 scottmerrick : anybody remember David Jakes a couple NECCs ago on how Google will take over the world?
01:31 Brumbaugh : Has anyone used Google Presentations in a real time setting with the backchat embedded?
01:31 njtechteacher : @sharonbetts At least nothing falls out of the reader - desks are different that way :)
01:31 bcdtech : I wish I could just press a button to mark my desk as "all read"
01:31 thekyleguy : @scottmerrick haven't they already?
01:31 sharonbetts : @njreader - easier to clean off too
01:31 njtechteacher : true
01:32 Brumbaugh : there is that function in Google Reader now
01:32 kpruitt : I star alot of things on my desk too
01:32 kpruitt : never get to them either
01:32 thekyleguy : @cfisher I bet you are pumped, we went to honolulu & Maui for honeymoon 2 summers ago
01:32 sharonbetts : @Brumbaugh - used google presentations with kids and teachers PD - worked great
01:32 sharonbetts : @krpuitt - you just reminded me to checkmy stars - ha
01:32 thekyleguy : Hey @njtech How you keeping?
01:32 scottmerrick : @sharonbetts how did you get kids logged in? create accounts for them?
01:32 Brumbaugh : @sharonbetts - Thanks... have used them in a presentation, but haven't used the back channel feature
01:33 njtechteacher : @kyle great - last day of break
01:33 sharonbetts : @scottmerrick - yes gave them accounts
01:33 scottmerrick : the +1 hack?
01:33 VanishingPoint : Hello all!
01:33 Brumbaugh : We created Google Apps for your domain accounts for the students
01:34 skajder : I didn't catch the name of the blogger he is referring to...
01:34 scottmerrick : howdy bp
01:34 sharonbetts : Gotta add some of Wills references to my reader - is their a limit?
01:34 scottmerrick : Danahh Boyd
01:34 bcdtech : danah boyd
01:34 Brumbaugh : she writes a great blog....
01:34 skajder : Thanks.
01:35 thekyleguy : Howard Rhiengold
01:35 cfisher : hi everyone
01:35 thekyleguy : Follow Clarence
01:36 Brumbaugh : <--- wishes he could get his blog on Will's list.... LOL
01:36 sharonbetts : I follow Clarence - but not Danah , she is now added
01:36 * scottmerrick ditto lol
01:36 VanishingPoint : Danah Boyd
01:36 cfisher : Danah is awesome
01:36 scottmerrick : Will needs to publish out his feed list
01:36 scmorgan : I always check Will's shared posts in GR. I get great reads that way
01:36 thekyleguy : Did Danah use to have a different blog name?
01:37 thekyleguy : figured it out Blog = apophenia
01:37 Brumbaugh :
01:37 shareski : just mark all read
01:37 jschinker : You don't read every story in the newspaper, either.
01:38 ransomtech : Yes... I have gotten over reader's guilt, too. Thank goodnes!!
01:38 sharonbetts : Twitter took away my Reader guilt
01:38 scottmerrick : That's his balance mechanism, what i was saying we need to learn to help teach our kids to seek for themselves
01:38 shareski : Cheater
01:38 scottmerrick : Twitter's good for that
01:38 ransomtech : Yes!
01:38 scmorgan : that's so true
01:38 thekyleguy : the good stuff rises to the top
01:38 scmorgan : It always comes back
01:38 sharonbetts : funny he mentioned it popped up on twitter - does come up
01:38 ransomtech : But, you won't get the finder's fee, Will!
01:39 kpruitt : So should will be paying us a percentage?
01:39 ransomtech : Great idea
01:39 kpruitt : I didnt know I was a research assistan
01:39 kpruitt : :)
01:39 ransomtech : It is like we are in this research assistants network...
01:40 scottmerrick : haha
01:40 kpruitt : I suppose I wouldn't want that idea to backfire on me someday
01:40 bcdtech : I like the newspaper analogy- I have no newspaper guilt- but do feel guilty about all the info in the reader
01:41 scottmerrick : @bctech -- don't worry, it'l pass :)
01:41 dwaltman : teach kids to skim, scan?
01:41 tsakshaug : analogy of tv channels-what do you want to watch?
01:41 bcdtech : @scott- sure hope so!
01:41 njtechteacher : My favorite is "friends shared items" - I read those first usually
01:41 scottmerrick : ooh going into tags--i sooo need this
01:41 DaveBriccetti : scott, the audio is distorted, maybe lower the gain a bit?
01:42 dwaltman : tags=newspaper clippings
01:42 scottmerrick : "Dewey doesn't work here anymore."
01:42 bcdtech : @tsakshaug- live in the sticks- ony one channel:)
01:42 kpruitt : no
01:42 scottmerrick : notes "Everything is miscellaneous"
01:42 dwaltman : did he talk about rss feeds for tags?
01:42 ransomtech : Just learned about kwout from kathy schrock in Twitter... very cool "clipping" tool
01:42 sharonbetts : so much information -filtering, sorting, prioritizing is so important
01:43 cfisher : tags = the future of users organizing info
01:43 ransomtech :
01:43 bcdtech : like the feature in diigo to make your tag library
01:43 sharonbetts : @ransomtech - also just did the bookmarklet for kwout today
01:43 sharonbetts : looking at
01:43 dwaltman : tagging sorts...what about do you guys do this?
01:43 kpruitt : think about how google is using tags to build 3D models of landmarks
01:43 ransomtech : Seems to work very well so far
01:44 thekyleguy : @sharon I didnt get into sliderocket early enough
01:44 kpruitt : SR looks slick sharon
01:44 thekyleguy : waiting for invite
01:44 sharonbetts : @thekyleguy it should be open soon- very cool
01:44 dwaltman : zefrank color wars flickr tags
01:45 kpruitt : you can add a widget to blog
01:45 dwaltman : i guess tag clouds priortize
01:45 scottmerrick : will type that url here
01:46 kpruitt : so..of the 8000 he has not read, which will I read :)
01:46 scottmerrick :
01:46 kpruitt : lol
01:46 scottmerrick : lol @kpruit
01:46 shareski : publish...then filter
01:47 sharonbetts : Maybe I will prioritize his above the 5000 unread in mine
01:47 sharonbetts : playing and learning today - updated too
01:47 kpruitt : @sharon I will send you my 2000 to add to it
01:47 EricLanghorst : good bye - 8th period is starting and I think they want me to teach history today!
01:48 dwaltman : confirmation bias
01:48 scmorgan : Such a good point Will
01:48 dwaltman : stager?
01:48 sharonbetts : @kpruitt lol
01:48 cfisher : Enter Tom Hoffman
01:48 thekyleguy : echo echo?
01:48 sharonbetts : I do find myself in an echo chamber - but I read Tom H, too
01:48 thekyleguy : Tom Hoffman link?
01:48 bcdtech : I feel like I'm in an echo chamber online, but at school, flying solo with tech
01:49 sharonbetts : I also read Gary occassionally
01:49 VanishingPoint : Have fun Eric!
01:49 thekyleguy : isn't it an odd paradox bcdtech?
01:49 scottmerrick : comin' at ya
01:49 sharonbetts : not many outside of my group in my twitter followers
01:49 shareski :
01:49 cfisher :
01:50 kpruitt : thats why I picked on avertising and market folks
01:50 VanishingPoint : Hey Dean, I am blogging about you right now! I can send advanced if you want
01:50 kpruitt : they are in direct comp for kids attention
01:50 scottmerrick : important element in the quest for balance
01:50 thekyleguy : Thanks Dean & Clarence, I recognize it I think I subscribe & tend to ignore
01:50 VanishingPoint : Er that was @shareski
01:51 kpruitt : shhh they are listening
01:51 sharonbetts : anyone find anything they like better than google reader
01:51 dwaltman : google reader needs to have a tag cloud option
01:51 tsakshaug : time to go home--bye ya'll
01:52 sharonbetts : impressed at ustream today -really smooth
01:52 scottmerrick : byeee tsakshaug!
01:52 cfisher : Just so you all know, its 25C in Honolulu right now and nothing but 28s in the forecast
01:52 thekyleguy : my reader's index needs to be cleaned up
01:52 cfisher : T - minus 10 minutes
01:52 bcdtech : it's almost stopped snowing here
01:53 thekyleguy : ;-) jealous. Go pack. Were you able to find sunscreen in Snow Lake?
01:53 sharonbetts : guess I will add rss to my summer training again.
01:53 scottmerrick : marks that quote about the ex-student
01:53 cfisher : nope. not in WPG either
01:53 kpruitt : Ken Pruitt?
01:53 cfisher : thats OK, I burn anyway
01:53 kpruitt : I eat icecream
01:53 scottmerrick : lol @vegan ice cream
01:54 kpruitt : mmmm
01:54 shareski : Will's always got to throw in a health food thought ;)
01:54 shareski : See if he'll search for kale shakes
01:54 kpruitt : lol
01:54 cfisher : we'll see about ribs and him in San Antonio at NECC
01:54 shareski : BBQ ribs and a Kale Shake ummmmmm
01:55 kpruitt : get the pic of Jakes eating nachos up there
01:55 sharonbetts : @cfisher - ribs for me, too
01:55 kpruitt : people missed vegan icecream
01:55 cfisher : and beer too
01:55 scottmerrick : diggin' the strategies for read/filtering the reader
01:55 kpruitt : no
01:56 sharonbetts : oh man - haven't been to technorati for months
01:56 shareski : Diigo?
01:56 cfisher : I like him tying technorati and google reader together
01:56 kpruitt : you need a PC
01:56 cfisher : a good strategy to show people
01:57 sharonbetts : good connection for showing how to analyze info -
01:57 kpruitt : this is great
01:57 kpruitt : I could see it with kids....same way
01:57 VanishingPoint : @shareski LOL no putting out a post on Professional (social) Networking via twitter
01:58 njtechteacher : I have to play this back later, missing important info, practicing Spanish with son.
01:58 thekyleguy : @shareski are you employed by Diigo?
01:58 cfisher : I use technorati and RSS with the kids in my class, but they get overwhelmed with new sources
01:58 sharonbetts : @cfisher - teachers get even more overwhelmed at PDs
01:58 VanishingPoint : @shareski I thought of you on two levels. Your podcast with Clay (I was listening to it while I slid into someone yesterday, and 140 Char or less post
01:58 thekyleguy : maybe email marketing director? ;)
01:58 shareski : I heard that!
01:59 scottmerrick : lol
01:59 scottmerrick : am i reliable or what?
02:00 sharonbetts : passionate writers - good catch phrase
02:00 cfisher : time to go
02:00 thekyleguy : aloha @cfisher
02:00 sharonbetts : wishing no flight delays - enjoy @fisher
02:00 shareski : @VanishingPoint...certainly a lot to uncover....been listening to some great discussion about twitter on the last three TWIT podcasts...slide into someone? ouch
02:02 * scottmerrick copies backchat to date and pastes into notepad--lost the last session chat :(
02:02 VanishingPoint : @shareski yeah low speed in a snow storm... there were 3 accidents in 5 min at the same location. oof... I was even paying attention when it happened...
02:03 kpruitt : would it be a cop out to play this when I have to do RSS workshop
02:03 kpruitt : I'll ustream it
02:03 sharonbetts : @kpruitt - that is what its for - stream it and sit back
02:04 kpruitt : ustream my teachers wathcing will's old ustream
02:04 sharonbetts : world connections :)
02:04 scottmerrick : That'd be a GREAT project for a media class
02:05 kpruitt : current events class
02:05 kpruitt : yes
02:05 thekyleguy : @kpruitt it would work if he was streaming his desktop
02:05 dhammond : My RSS reader is ready to explode :-(
02:05 scottmerrick : haha
02:05 kpruitt : good point kyle
02:06 sharonbetts : I wonder when browser bookmarking will disappear?
02:07 bcdtech : I still have lots of teachers who don't bookmark at all, or just save to favorites,, it'll be awhile
02:07 sharonbetts : love Buzka for elementary project resources
02:08 scottmerrick : a smart browser dev crew would abandon it and incorporate a social bkmkg tool
02:08 thekyleguy : Thanks for the stream @scott & the chat everyone else.
02:09 DaveBriccetti : Audio very distorted when he speaks loudly. Gain too high?
02:09 scottmerrick : yw kyle:) this has been fun, only 6 min. left
02:09 thekyleguy : oh ok, I will stick around
02:09 Shupester : We are using RSS to keep a running list of student achievements on our campus.
02:10 gtanner : hi scott - greetings from usn bus off
02:10 scottmerrick :
02:10 Shupester : If you want me to shoot you an example just let me know.
02:10 scottmerrick : would love that
02:11 bcdtech : we use Read media on our site for stuff about the school that has hit the papers. Kids come from 3 states.
02:11 fsinfo : he's not doing diigio yet?
02:11 Shupester : feed://
02:11 gtanner : this is completely relevant to next weeks peabody presentation. I want to watch the entire thing. will it be archived?
02:11 scottmerrick : will ask
02:11 kpruitt : diigo was behaving badky today
02:11 scottmerrick : hi genie!
02:12 fsinfo : just figuring it out
02:12 Shupester :
02:12 gtanner : yo hello
02:12 kpruitt : we broke it
02:12 fsinfo : doesn't want to take my photo
02:12 bcdtech : Love diigo, but the hype is slowing it down
02:12 thekyleguy : Best RSS presentation I have watched. Tied together tagging & subscribing, technorati, reader,
02:12 kpruitt : deego
02:12 fsinfo : LOL
02:12 VanishingPoint : ooh @shareski wake up! Diigo...
02:12 scottmerrick : lol thank you Kpruitt
02:12 sharonbetts : I don't really get diigo -
02:12 kpruitt : that was right from deego folks
02:13 bcdtech : thought the woman who runs it said deego the other day;0)
02:13 kpruitt : I worry its too connected
02:13 fsinfo : ok some say diiiiigo and some say deeeeego which is right?
02:13 shareski : I've been corresponding with the founders a few times today...they aren't happy with me
02:13 sharonbetts : its been down all day
02:13 fsinfo : its up now
02:13 fsinfo : I think
02:13 VanishingPoint : @shareski lol... do you feel the power you hold?
02:14 kpruitt : research is personal at some point and I am not concerned with what others say
02:14 thekyleguy : they should give you a free tshirt or mug or something
02:14 shareski : to my wife
02:14 kpruitt : sorry
02:14 scottmerrick : showing
02:14 bcdtech : love my netvibes
02:14 sharonbetts : wow - now he is adding starterpages - great tie it all together
02:15 sharonbetts : iGoogle
02:15 VanishingPoint : @shareski... oh well that... no male holds that kind of power ;0)
02:15 VanishingPoint : just ask my wife
02:15 sharonbetts : A new startpage for each topic / project
02:15 VanishingPoint : @shareski and now she is making it public...
02:16 sharonbetts : He got some of the same comments as I do from teachers - do we just overwhelm?
02:17 bcdtech : overwhelm- yes, but next step is to have someone in the school to turn to, to just choose 1 thing- try it
02:18 shareski : tags can never be standardized...thus the miscellaneous nature of tagging
02:18 adrianbruce : greetings from Oz - 6am ish :)
02:18 shareski : and that's a good thing, in many ways
02:18 shareski : why do people want it private?
02:18 scottmerrick : that true? can one set up a private "group" in diigo?
02:18 bcdtech : but with diigo you can set tag library for your kids
02:18 kpruitt : THere has to be a guided practice with this
02:19 kpruitt : for my folks anyway
02:19 shareski : isnt' that for very few things? I would thing the vast majority should be public
02:19 njtechteacher : It is overwhelming when you hear it in one shot. We get it dripped on us slowly every day.
02:19 scottmerrick : lol
02:19 scottmerrick : thanks ya'll
02:19 sharonbetts : thanks scott
02:19 njtechteacher : Thank you!
02:19 scottmerrick : hitting the archive button
02:19 bcdtech : thamks Scott

Views: 112


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