Greetings fellow digital immigrants. Today we start together on our journey to catch up with the digital natives we are responsible for educating. This will not be what most of you expect from a blog. Then again, I do not know what you expect from a blog. But those of you who know me will hopefully see that my writing style is just like my personal style....all over the place!
Just wanted to let you know here it comes.
Let's get one thing out of the way first. I am not gonna fill your email boxes with messages telling you to go check my latest blog or wiki update or digital tip. Not gonna do it! Instead, I am gonna put the monkey on your back. My sites will have RSS feeds that you can subscribe to.
Don't know what an RSS feed is? Just check out this link.
Now that you have learned a little about RSS, subscribe tot mine if you wish.
Enjoy the day.
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