Subject: Re:More Money for better Education... Topic: San Antonio ISD v. Rodriguez
Author: Lisa Weber Date: June 4, 2008 7:37 PM

I agree with you on the fact that in many low income areas, it is the children who are being left out because of low budgets. Being a teacher in such a situation, many expenses are out of the pocket in order to keep up with the changing techniques in education. Districts need to allocate the money to be spread where it is needed instead of where there is abundance.

Subject: Re: Public Education is failing kids Topic: San Antonio ISD v. Rodriguez
Author: Lisa Weber Date: June 4, 2008 7:44 PM

Unfortunately, this is what our society has produced by allowing federal funding to dictate who gets what, but it is fortunate for the Students who have good Teachers to help them learn how important an education is by encouraging them to continuously improve on their test scores in order to gain recognition from the government. Although their schools may be in a low income area, their performances can still be exemplary.

Subject: Hardships faced by low income areas Topic: San Antonio ISD v. Rodriguez
Author: Lisa Weber Date: June 4, 2008 8:49 PM

It is undeniably heartfelt that a case of this sort existed and still exist because of the fact that there are several low income areas throughout the state of Texas to whereas Students are the ones who are not being allowed the educational opportunities as that of their counterparts who attend higher income area schools in the state of Texas. It happens to be a good thing that there is recruitment program with incentives to send in highly qualified staff to work with underprivileged students due to their social economical backgrounds. With this in place, even though their budgets may be limited, their faculty can help establish a positive learning environment which eventually will receive the recognition for adequate funding.

Author: Lisa Weber Date: June 15, 2008 11:33 PM

I agree with you to a certain extent and that would be the introduction of a student to an Internet Web site which will try to teach them how to perform certain sex acts. This to me is of extreme importance when students began to organize as a group. Yes we want them to feel a part of something but not to exploit their sexuality. After all, they are in school to learn the curriculum the LISD has implemented for them not to be preyed upon because of their sexual preference.

Subject: Technology used for educational research Topic: UNIT II - NCLB
Author: Lisa Weber Date: June 10, 2008 10:19 PM

Technology, within educational research, reports on how a car company is experimenting with nanotechnology in the quest for environmentally friendly vehicles, how a museum exhibit (created by an artist and a scientist) helps get the word out about the implications of nanotechnology for health care and other fields, and how GPS chips in some cell phones let businesses track delivery drivers and parents keep track of kids.
I especially find these interesting facts very resourceful for the NCLB implications and because it contributes to the stimulus of our economy as we search for fuel alternatives. With NCLB being implemented, educators have accessibility to federal resources for continuous educational excellence.

Subject: NCLB - No Child Left Behind Topic: UNIT II - NCLB
Author: Lisa Weber Date: June 10, 2008 10:42 PM

My view on the NCLB policy was very pessimistic at first because I thought of the entire different ethic groups in our school and the learning capacities of each individual. However, as I realized the broad scope of how NCLB would allow educators to venture with integrating learning environments, techniques, and tools to accommodate the student(s), I became very optimistic about the NCLB teaching process; therefore the ramifications of not allowing students to experience the rewards of NCLB would not be a factor when asserting NCLB positive attributes.

Subject: Scenario's attributed to NCLB Topic: UNIT II - NCLB
Author: Lisa Weber Date: June 10, 2008 10:52 PM

Author: Lisa Weber Date: June 15, 2008 11:05 PM

In this very sensitive nonetheless straight forward case, both parties are adamant about being heard and their causes being reviewed by the courts, however, the LISD has a clear balance on the criteria in which every student is entitled to when it comes to a sufficient education which did not include the promiscuity of sexual preferences and how to differentiate from societal norms.

Author: Lisa Weber Date: June 15, 2008 11:13 PM

Although GAP was considered an on campus organization, they cross serious boundaries, which could have brought civil law suits against their founders for their web-site which imposed illegal sexual exploitation (illicit language and sexual suggestions) web-browsing for school age students. I am with the court’s ruling because the protection of the students was at stake.

Subject: code of conduct Topic: UNIT IV DISCUSSION - STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT
Author: Lisa Weber Date: June 20, 2008 10:53 PM

Chapter 37 authorizes the standards, however the school board and other faculty must adhere to the findings on each level to ensure accurate measurements for rulings.

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