It was very exciting for me to see Rich WIlson, our teacher at sea, in the official Vendee Globe photo today in Paris. He and 29 other skippers will be racing in the Vendee Globe in November 2008. While he is sailing he will connect with students and teachers across the globe, posting blog entries, videos, and photos. He and a team of experts on shore will answer students' questions. He looks forward to having teachers across the globe 'on board' for this epic learning adventure.
Steve Hargadon interviewed Rich earlier in the spring. You can hear that interview in the video section.

Views: 53

Tags: richwilson, stevehargadon, vendeeglobe

Comment by Sharon Betts on September 16, 2008 at 4:37pm
Wow - this is the main topic of our collaborative project this year :
However, due to scheduling constraints, we have lost many of the participants.\
This project is for students arounnd 9-13 (we are flexible).
Last year we really had a successful adventure and I hope to again motivate participants. Interested or have any colleagues that are interested?
email me - or request to join the wiki itself.
Comment by Lorraine on September 16, 2008 at 5:41pm
Hi Sharon, thanks for your comment. It's great to see that you have created a collaborative project around the Vendee Globe! I've followed Rich's voyages with my students since 2001 and certainly plan on following this one. As a technology teacher I only meet with students one time per week, but I integrate key themes into many of the activities across the grade levels in my work with students. Classroom 2.0 member Vincent Mespoulet, from France, has set up a Ning on his Classroom 2.0 webpage for the Vendee Globe in French and English. I will be joining it shortly. It will be great to have the perspective of the French students in this epic race. I'll be in contact via email to see how we might be able to collaborate.
Comment by Sharon Betts on September 16, 2008 at 8:19pm
I see you joined the student wiki - welcome! Do you have students around our ages that would like to take part?


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