Looking for teens to take tech use survey

I am working with Anne M from Australia. We are looking for participants for a tech use survey for teens. Please pass this along to anyone who teach teens and might be interested in joining us. I have 3 surveys on tech uses all set to go, please pass it along to any friends who teach teens. Let me know their email and when someone is interested, I'll add their location to the form and give them access to the data spreadsheet.

Thanks for helping me on this! Alison


Views: 37

Comment by Brian Lamore on October 31, 2008 at 9:06pm
Hi Allison, you might be interested in this survey too. One of my students is compiling information on uses of tech around the globe.

Comment by Alison Saylor on November 1, 2008 at 9:06am
I'll have my students take this survey Monday if you would like more input. Email me asaylor@jeffco.k12.co.us and I'll give you access to our Google doc surveys (3) The info might help your student. We have input From Colo, Germany and Australia.
Perhaps we could do a joint project between our classrooms sometime in December, I'll be on spreadsheets again for my second trimester students.


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