Check out today's sessions @
K12Online 2008
Presentation Title “
How Can I Become Part of this ReadWriteWeb Revolution?”
Description Join Alice, Bob and Cheryl, as we kick off the Getting Started strand with our keynote: How do you Become Part of this Read/Write Web Revolution? Be a pioneer and become part of the journey learning about 21st Century Skills. Team up with us and the other strand conveners for this exciting excursion.
Click here to view video.
Presentation Title: “
Free Tools for Universal Design for Learning in Literacy”
Description: This presentation will describe ways that you can support literacy using free tools found on the internet. Types of technology supports for literacy will be discussed as well as the some of the free tools that are available on the Internet today. The last part of the session will deal with what Universal Design for Learning calls for and how the types of tools discussed can assist educators in achieving Universal Design for Learning in your classroom.
Click here to view video.
Presentation Title: Asking Bigger Questions About Assessment
Description: How can we demonstrate that what we do with teaching and learning technologies makes a difference in student learning? My presentation doesn’t answer that question directly, but it does explore a larger historical and cultural context for the issue of student assessment. The aim is to start with complex questions of meaning and purpose so that we construct and choose our assessments wisely.
Click here for audio.
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