Still trying to formulate my thoughts and strategy on classroom 2.0 and using integrating of social media technologies into the classroom.
First of there is so much information to wade through when it comes to social media and web 2.0 in general. I have focused on the following areas:
- Wikis
- Social Networking Sites
- Blogs
- Social Bookmarking
- Forums
- Image & Photo Sharing
- Videos Development, Sharing & V-Logging
- Audio & Podcasting
- RSS & XML Syndication
- Widget and Gadgets
- Browser Toolbars & Add-Ons
- QA Sites
- APIs
- Virtual Environments
I am doing this to just help myself stay focused. The next problem I am having is separating this out for different classroom settings:
- Elementary School - My daughter is in Kindergarten and she has a Blog - This is purely just introducing her to the concept, and gathering her thoughts online.
- Middle School - Building on the elementary school involvement, talking about privacy, safety, etc.
- High School - Moving into real world uses, planning for college, and building their profile for entry to college.
- College / University - Building experience to give students the ability to be job ready and having a full understanding of the social media space from both a user and technical perspective.
- Business Training - Give clear knowledge on how to use Social Media in the business world.
So their is a lot of information to work through. I am open to starting a Wiki and getting anyone involved that wishes to contribute. Contact me if you are interested.
I have been contacted by several schools and how to integrate Social Media into their Curriculum.
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