Images on ning are blocked at my school. There should be two pics. If it is blank let me know.

Views: 60

Comment by Alice Mercer on April 3, 2007 at 4:45pm
I just buzzed past this on the front page and thought, "Oh someone must be an alum." Then I saw the subject line, and did a double-check. Reminded me of a t-shirt one of my students had last year from a high school smoking cessation program that had "cigerettes" (I think that was the spelling, whatever it was, it was wrong) misspelled on it .
Comment by Chris Champion on April 4, 2007 at 7:51am
I was at a gas station that had "professionally" made signs outside near the pumps:

Tuesday's are Hot Dog day's
Wednesday's are Meatball Sandwich day's

I have to question: was this the mistake of the proprietor of the gas station, copied over blindly by a "quick sign" employee, or was the error made at the sign company? Either way, I was embarrassed for the proprietor.


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