Session notes: Keynote panel discussion on innovation, creativity and the school of the future

What do the arts, brain research, and creativity have to do with the emerging face of education? EVERYTHING! The "creative class" is on the move, and as the world flattens and competition in the global economy increases, the roles of creativity and innovation come into focus.
Moderator: Andrew Zolli
Panel: Elizabeth Streb, Choreographer; Michael McCauley, Creative Director; Mary Cullinane, Technology Architect; and Dr. Francesc Pedro, OECD/CERI.

How innovative are countries?
US – 80% use a computer at home
40% use a computer at school
What’s more important? The more computers are used at home the higher math scores raised.
Greater faith = greater creative thinking
Nature of place – create a place in which failure was an option~ kids and educators felt safe to fail
Concept of ad hoc gathering places – where kids could gather and socialize
Flow state – mix up the people around to encourage creativity
What makes teachers innovators?
Ability to include users and doers in the process of innovation
Ability to network
Ability to work on a longer basis- work autonomously and allow innovation to bubble up
Technology - we miss the connection of educational technology, science and research
Connection of the brain and learning – a series of reports that demystified the understanding of the brain
Learning foreign languages – should start as soon as possible
Separating girls from boys – no evidence based on research for single sex classes – no difference in the male or female brain
A Whole New Mind by Dan Peek – a new report on understanding the brain
“motive” – constantly ask what motivates kids, obstacles, trends, interests, value, and environment

Labels: n07s755, necc2007

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