After NECC in Atlanta, I got home and began trying to sort through the miles of great video for my podcast. There were so many amazing conversations with hreat thinkers and educational leaders and my 40 year old mind was quite overwhelmed. The one easy to list highlight of the conference for me was edubloggercon, a great event/day hosted by the creator of this social network Steve Hargadon. Edubloggers from all over came together and talked about the many ways that technology and web 2.0 can have positive impacts on education, teachers and learners. What was absent was a bunch of geek speak, show and tell and ego. This group was self-organizing and leaderless in a community thinking way. I believe that most of the participants who attended the un-conference in advance of NECC, would say that it was the highlight of the time in Atlanta! To get a feel for the conversations and add your own thoughts, visit here and join the community.

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