An effective way to bring an global dimension into your curriculum is by marking one of the international days such as World Water Day, Earth Day etc. Here are some resources and ideas you can use to celebrate the International Day of Peace on 21st September.
Watch a Video
Jeremy Gilley created an organisation called Peace One Day to encourage the United Nations to identify a specific date for an international day of peace. He created an inspirational video of his struggle to achieve this goal and why we need peace.
Peace One Day.wmv Low quality 7mb
Peace One Day High.wmv - High quality 70mb
Global Wombat - We only have one world and we need to get along together.
Blog your ideas for peace
We've created a blog post for students to contribute their comments about how we can bring peace to the world. The comments are moderated before going live on the web. It is important that students read the instructions carefully before submitting their comment. To view the blog post and contribute ideas
click here
Create Posters using ICT
This is a lesson to teach students how to create a poster to raise awareness of the International Day of Peace.
PoD Poster Lesson
Have a peaceful day!
Tell your staff and students to make a special effort to treat each other with respect for one day and not raise their voices at each other. This may be more difficult for your staff than your students! You could also have a minute's silence, or a time of reflection when you light a candle and or play some peaceful music.
Put up a display
You can show and/or print out these powerpoint presentations
conflict.ppt - statistics on conflict
Peace.ppt - Quotes about peace
View from Space.ppt Quotes from astronauts after viewing the Earth from Space
Do a quiz
This quiz is on conflict statistics. You can either view it as an
online quiz that marks itself, or a
paper version
Visit the Peace Room
Peace Room place where you can nominate a person who you think has made a positive difference to the world, read about the people who have been nominated, vote for nominations and read about the people who have “made a difference” to the world.

Create a Peace Gallery
Take photos of what your school does to mark the day. Ensure that you have permission to publish students' images on the web. Then upload the images to the web using
Other free resources
Peace One Day Pack and DvD - Lesson plans, photos, quotations and a 32 min DvD explaining one man's mission to achieve the impossible.
Making Sense of Conflict - 6 Downloadable lessons from Oxfam's Cool Planet website.
Other Useful Links
Peace One Day - The official website for POD
Top Ten Conflict Resources - Resources from globaldimension.org
Tree of Life - A half ton sculpture of a tree made from dismantled guns and ammunition
Control Arms - An excellent website explaining the Arms Trade
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