Web 2.0 in Education Workshop Ongoing Starting Monday, July 23!

Hey, all,

Visit the blog http://webtoopointoh.blogspot.com and keep an eye on the wiki my workshop participants July 23 through 27 populate with the evidence of their week-long foray into the world of Web 2.0.

Over the week, David Warlick, Chris O'Neal, Peggy Sheehy, and hopefully our own Steve Hargadon (where are ya, Steve!?) will chat over Skype (Peggy plans to IVC her own workshop with ours) with the participants informally. The rest of the time the Ts (along with our librarian and two staffers from the business and development offices) will be following their paths to learning having been gifted with something teachers don't often have for this kind of exploration: Time.

If this is as fun as I hope it will be, the dozen teachers, grades 4-12, will leave the workshop having created a lasting resource for their colleagues (and others) and having self-generated a lasting enthusiasm for learner-driven collaboration and teaching. Wish us luck, and stay tooned!

Views: 46

Comment by Steve Hargadon on July 20, 2007 at 9:12am
What, have I gone missing? :-)
Comment by Scott Merrick on July 28, 2007 at 6:01am
Ha, no Stever, but the audio I recorded from our stellar conversation on Thursday has. I liken the loss of my Dell Axim recording to the burning of the Alexandria Library. It seems I got interrupted by a telephone call in the process of transferring the files to my laptop from the pocket PC, came back to the computer thinking I had already dragged the sound files from device to computer, and deleted the device's files, a standard procedure. So sure was I that i'd dragged them over already that I didn't notice the error until Friday morning, when I thought I had a few minutes to edit the audio. This is truly a disaster, but after years of working in technology I now look at it as simply raising the status of the conversation to that of legend--making it all the more precious to those in attendance. Thank you soooo much for your time and your wisdom, exploring with us Classroom 2.0 and ning.com's potential for a powerful learning platform. (Now to copy and paste this into my blog :)


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