A very interesting comparison of MySpace and Facebook in an essay from this blog, http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2007/06/24/viewing_america.html
From the writer:
"Hegemonic American teens (i.e. middle/upper class, college bound teens from upwards mobile or well off families) are all on or switching to Facebook. Marginalized teens, teens from poorer or less educated backgrounds, subculturally-identified teens, and other non-hegemonic teens continue to be drawn to MySpace. A class division has emerged and it is playing out in the aesthetics, the kinds of advertising, and the policy decisions being made. "

My about-to-be-freshman-in-college daughter and I discussed the difference between Facebook and MySpace, both being pretty popular in our community. MySpace, which is more of a blog, requires more work on the owners part, which is why many people start spaces and then give them up. Facebook on the other hand, grows as a result of other's contribution to one's space, which is why it is so engaging. My daughter says that kids really prefer social networking because you can connect with people with the same interest, no matter how obscure, see what's being said and contribute to the discussion. It's very non-threatening and you don't feel as vulnerable as you do when you post a blog entry. MySpace is really more of a place to express yourself and to really make it interesting, needs more technical work, with adding widgets, music, and meda. Facebook is just much cleaner and easier.

If you ready my previous blog post, you'll learn how valuable Facebook has been to her to make connections with her new community - The Notre Dame Class of 2011. She's gotten a great deal of benefit from her social network. A recent example would be last week when she learned her room assignment, the first thing she did was to look up her roomies' facebooks. Immediately, she requested to be their friend and looked over their posts and pictures to get a real sense of them as people. It was very reassuring experience for my extremely shy daughter to see pictures of her room mates with their friends and at their high school events. "They look just like me, Mom!" sent me a warm fuzzy feeling about the three young ladies my daughter is going to spend the next nine months living with. I love Facebook!

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