Ok, so if you were in my presentation Project Based Learning: Portals into the 21st Century, you know that we barely scratched the surface in the information. Congratulations for being a member of CR2.0 and thank you SO much for finding this blog! I hope you find this network as useful as I have! It has literally changed my educational life, which I thought was pretty darn good to begin with!

There were some questions you all wanted me to answer, and I didn't really get a chance to do that. I do sincerely apologize for that; I'm not used to standing in front of a "class" and delivering information anymore and it's been tough re-adjusting to this idea. Is this an excuse? Probably, but it's true. The old idea of "sage on the stage" is really making me uncomfortable, especially as I sit in conferences listening to people lecture, telling me to NOT lecture students. *ugh*

Side note: Somehow I'm going to have to get an early hook-up at my next conference to lay some groundwork. Participants will need to know to bring their laptops. I'll have to arrive early to re-set the room to where we're in groups. I'm NOT going to lecture. Challenge to ALL "21st Century" Educators and Presenters: demand that conference break-out sessions are set up to reflect how we want our students to learn! If you're willing to pretend you know how educators should behave, then put their role on and make the change yourself first!

Back to it.

If you were at the MTI conference, you are welcome to send me a message to let me know you're interested in learning more. I'll be able to talk to you with MUCH more info one to one. Ask for my Skype name. I'll add you to the Google Docs that has lots of info. We'll begin to talk about collaborations between your students and mine. Think about what you need and I'll try my best to make it work to fit you. You are always welcome to be a fly on the wall of my school to see how it works. I can Skype you on to a spare computer in our class and you can watch kids work. You can be a part of what they're doing for a day, an hour, or just a few minutes.

I appreciate your patience and am glad you now have opened the Classroom2.0 Portal for your students' futures!

Views: 63

Comment by linda on July 29, 2007 at 5:06pm
Kevin told me to go to your site and add your friends and his to my list .... but I don't see how to do it! :( Can you help easily?


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