Students writing too much.. this is a problem?

When blogging becomes a teacher-centered activity
I just posted on this topic on the Generation YES blog.
It's about a dilemma we've come across with teachers turning off the blogs we provide because "students write too much" - and thinking about what we should do. I invite Classroom 2.0-ers to comment as well! We need all the ideas we can get....

Here's the start of the post...

Recently, teachers have come up to me at conferences and say they had turned off the GenYES or Generation TECH blog tools because “the kids write too much.” At first I was surprised that student writing would be a problem!

But in thinking about it, it dawned on me that the the problem wasn’t student writing, it was teacher reading. The teacher was a bottleneck, and the teacher-centric view of how the blog worked (students write, teacher reads) was clearly causing this problem. What’s worse, could our tool design be reinforcing this? (read the rest)

For those of you who don't know about the GenYES program, it's a student-led technology mentoring model for teachers. We also have a student-led tech support curriculum called Generation TECH. Both of these programs have tools for the classroom that include student blogs.

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