As much as I love, use, promote, troubleshoot, teach, train, research, and integrate technology: I am sometimes overwhelmed by all that is has to offer. So much so, that I feel like I've missed something. I feel like I haven't quite caught up to the "Web 2.0" movement. I fell
stuck in web 1.5. As you see I am giving myself a little credit. I do think I have graduated web 1.0 but have not quite reached my potential. And that is why I am here. I have many questions and concerns concerning technology, especially as it pertains to education. From what I have read so far, I am confident that this group can assist me in reaching my edtech goals. And I'll try to put in my
2.0 1.5 sense worth every now and then.
By the way...I joined yesterday...deleted my account...and rejoined today. (Don't ask, I told you I was stuck). Anyway, thanks to those of you who welcomed me previously although your comments do not appear today.
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