Hi Eduardo
Commenting a blog post 6 weeks on isn't done, I know, but I am interested in your resource - and the link gave a page with " :: Weblog :: Access denied or post not found". Could you check it please?
Thank you! I have added the post and your blog under del.icio.us/noimedia/onlinesapiens and I have added you to my del.icio.us network: we both bookmark a lot and tag each bookmark a lot on a lot of same/similar themes. And you too seem to think that an unbundled tag is better than no tag :-)
In French, tags are called "balises" . In general, the Minstère de la francophonie's compulsion to find French words for English tech terms the rest of the world happily shares is ridiculous and even harmful. But I like "balise" because of its sea meaning (see the top image in Le balisage maritime).
As promised I have just updated my del.icio.us post, http://onlinesapiens.com/blog/2007/05/10/using-delicious-for-education/ with many more links to resources
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