Today I meet with my supervisor and after our discussion I am looking forward in having her view one of my classes. We discussed a few things such as joining the students with the Do Now. There might be more efficiency and participation from the students if I model with them. We also discussed graduate school and I recieved some feedback. Still unsure as what I am going to do. After our meeting I jumped right into third period and taught the inclusion class the lesson. I tried working on the Do Now with the students but they were so distracted. The students would not keep their mouths shut today. I had to repeatedly tell certain students to be quite. Of course they didn't listen and I wanted to strangle them. They just kept getting on my nerves. In trying to give the lesson with the overhead the same people kept talking and it got to the point where I couldn't hear the other students trying to give answers to my questions. In turn they were the only class that recieved homework for the day. Fifth period was about the same and then sixth period the entire eighth grade meet with the assistant principal so that he could go over a few things such as discipline, inappropriate language, dress code policy, abscences etc. When the students were out of line the guidance counselor used this clapping thing in order to get the student's attention. Most of the time it works I just find it a bit silly. The students had some comments about spirit week and different activities that they could host. I think some of the things such as spirit week is a privelage when you get to high school, but that is just me. The students had lunch, I had lunch duty, then break, then ninth period. Today I was in bit of a slump so I could not wait to get out. Ninth period worked on their do nows along with the overhead activity. I am ready to make up a lesson plan for next week so that I may teach all next week. I am not sure which story I am going to use but I am hoping I can find one in which there can be a variety of activties to do.

Just to note that there was a moment of silence for those who passed in 9/11 at Peekskill Middle School.

Views: 32

Comment by Bonnie Kaplan on September 12, 2007 at 4:10am
Ahh, the frustrations of middle school and the beginning of a new year and new career. It will get easier. I would suggest though that you find new strategies for getting their attention. Instead of threatening etc. which loses its power unless you are ready to throw kids out of the room which I wouldn't recommend unless there's nothing else that can be done, I would look into ways to engage them in the material. Activities that will surprise and engage them. There's activities that ge them out of their seats, move the desks/ chairs into a ciricle etc. Not for the whole period but for variety.
I think it will help to write with them, sitting in front of them and then having them share together in a ciricle. Maybe, special Fridays? I used to create them. Anyway, it's easier to suggest things from my warm couch, Jackie than to be there dealing with them but just a few suggestions, that's what I'm here for. There's Natalie too. Watch her and talk, talk, talk. You will also have your student teaching suppport group. They are going through the same thing, the teaching initiation through fire.
I think the key is variety. Remember the school day, life gets very regimented. Try and keep them guessing, wondering what's coming next!
You have off tomorrow and Friday, yes? Enjoy!!!!!]
BTW, there's a great 9/11 poem by BIlly Collins called The Names. I used it every year on 9/11. We exploded images and shared it together. Powerful. Remind me to share the technique with you. It's a great way to create a classroom community. That's what you get with 30 years under your belt, a large sack to pick from.
And that's all of now...


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