This is very hard...keeping track of where I have written, where I am supposed to write, what I have read or reread, what I am supposed to read....AAAHHHH!!! This is very difficult and makes me feel flustered. Hopefully I am on the right track somewhere.

Views: 27

Comment by Kelly Christopherson on September 15, 2007 at 8:14am
Welcome to the world of online connectivity. If you belong to more than one network, you soon realize that you have to be selective or you will become overwhelmed by the shear amount of information available. However, once you get use to it, you begin to pick and choose, realizing that you could actually devote all waking moments to these endeavours and never get any further ahead than you are right this moment. It's the whole "WOW" factor of the connectivedness that we are sharing. It is hard to fathom that what we are doing never stops - someone is always adding information or making comments. It becomes easier to manage as you become more comfortable with not commenting on everything or worrying if you're missing something. It will be there tomorrow if you really want to go there and something else will replace it in the mean time. Welcome to the blogosphere Kim!


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