As a Director of Technology I have to wear many hats and maintain a limited budget. So, I am always looking for ways to get educational based applications that are educational based and provide higher level order of thinking challenges. Well, one weekend I spent time searching for open source software and came across the article I have uploaded. It provides open source software for PCs, Apples, and Linux OS systems. I have read through the 77 pages and downloaded several recommended applications. Please download and view the document and provide your thoughts on these applications. I also ask that you post your own open source recommendations for all viewers and members to share as well as pass them along to their own educators.

Download FOSSEd_catalog_7.07.pdf

Views: 79

Comment by Rich White on October 5, 2007 at 8:28pm
Great ! ... Here is an open source 3D interactive whiteboard tool we are working on.. we cal it Edusim

Load it on your Smartboard/Activeboard and let the kids go !
Comment by Alan Hodson on October 6, 2007 at 9:25am
The Australian Open Source Victoria file is a classic. There are other sites that have a slightly different approach: they help users visualize the "what can I replace XXX with that doesn't cost me an arm and a leg?" question, or the "I teach a course using $$$ - what choices do my students have to have access to this software at home?"
I suggest for a list of "replace x->y", some arguments (Comments) refocusing Open Source perceptions and some viable links (like where to get iso images so software can be given to users in need.)
Comment by Sanjib Kumar Parida on July 23, 2008 at 9:02am
Good to see enterprising guys like you are believing in open source now. I am a Solutions Architech at SITACT Inc. And we are specialising in e-learning environments for schools and organisations based on the open source Moodle environment. You can have a look at the demo of what we do at . I would like to get your views on if open source software ecosystem will ever get the confidence of the School Districts and as an insider if efforts like fit into the technological roadmap that the school districts are following in the country?


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