So the very last day of student teaching in the middle school was a little more than what I expected it to be. But before I start I just have to say that the night before I made cake and cookies for the staff and students in my classes. The staff was more than appreciative but the students' thank yous only came from a slight few. I spent the day giving out survey's that would help me as I move on to my next placement. Some of the students were serious about my lessons and teaching style. One thing that stuck out in my mind was the fact that the students said I had to lighten up, have more fun, and not be so strict. They also said that I had an attitude. I only laughed because they do not see how they are from my eyes and have no idea what it is like being in front of that room. After the survey, I handed papers back and we played a trivia game with Disney trivia. It was a Friday so we were just going to enjoy the day. During the day however, I felt extremely disrespected and felt the students thought my time there was all a joke, not with everyone of course but some. They were so obnoxious throughout the day, I was sorry I was trying to do something nice by baking cookies. My last week in general did not leave me witha good feeling about teaching middle school. I do know that I will not knock it unitl I officially try it. I just find with middle school it is a constant battle to settle the students in and get your work completed for the day. I do know I am going to meet the staff because they made me feel more at home than I think I ever could at a school .They were all so helpful and concerend about how I was doing. I actually felt like one of the staff members. Speaking of staff members I was asked to submit my resume and was honored that they would aak me that. I am going to hand in my resume and I will see where that goes. My c.t. gave me a very nice card and beautiful parting words. Overall my experience at the middle school was a learning one and with that I will take with me new knowledge and skills for the high school.

Views: 50

Comment by Bonnie Kaplan on October 20, 2007 at 9:36pm
What I respect very much about you Jackie, is your honesty and your openness to grow. I am not sure you got enough support and direction from your CT, especially in the area of writing and assessments. I am looking forward to your high school experience and working at HH beginning on Monday. I will see you on Wednesday morning. How's that?
Comment by Jacqueline Marien on October 22, 2007 at 1:37pm
Sounds great!!!!
Comment by Bonnie Kaplan on October 22, 2007 at 2:39pm
So tell me more. What is it like being at HH???
I am visiting on Wednesday morning at 10:30.


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