My day is spent still observing my c.t. and getting used to the building. There was a new set of students in the AIS class today, due to the A/B day schedule. I think it is there I might build a closer connection with students because the work is one on one. There is no lesson planning for AIS because it is the Learning Center as well. The students come in to work on essays or work for other classes. The drama class is watching Taming of the Shrew and we are finishing the movie as well as having class discussions. I have been taking notes and writing questions down that the students could possibly think about. That class is bigger so the names are coming slowly but surely. The ninth graders are finishing up Farenheit 451 and have a test tomorrow. I have noticed out of the classes they are the ones that need the most pulling for answers. But once on a topic they run with it. Some of the students came up with very interesting questions. Finally the 12th graders filled out some superlatives for the yearbook, I showed them their grades from their vocabulary and spelling tests. My.c.t also went around and asked how the students are doing with their WISE sponsers. WISE is a student internship program in which seniors pick a project from volunteer work to working with someone in the community. They are required to to work along side their mentors from the activtiy they choose. There are presentations to give and it helps the seniors build their character and position in their community. Next week we will be introducing Brave New World and it is here I will begin my teaching. (The ninth grader will be beginning Of Mice and Men and I will begin that with them) I know it is only the second day but I do not feel like I quite belong as a student teacher there. I still feel out of place and it is making me uncomfortable. I do not feel like a student teacher. Its odd but I feel like a student in the high school. I do not know if it is just because they are not that much younger than me or if its because I feel very young among the other teachers. I am not intimitated but I am not used to walking around a high school building seeing all kinds of students rather than the usual students I had during my summer school class. I think this is just happening because I am coming in mid-year. It is just a very different feeling. I have decided to follow to students around on their schedules just to see how their days are. I am excited about that. I am also going to sit in on other teachers English classes. There are electives as well in English to sit on. I am just overwhelemed with how much this school has to offer. I mean it feels like the high schools you see in movies or television,. that is how perfect it is for me. I know that nothing is perfect but from the outside it is nothing like I have ever experienced. My homework is to read Brave New World and prepare for next week. I also have to do some research on 1984 in order to make connection with BNW for the senior class. I just hope I get into the groove of things soon.

Views: 43

Comment by Bonnie Kaplan on October 24, 2007 at 5:08am
A great start, don't you think? Good,follow around a student or two to see what their day is like and maybe get to talk with them about how they see school and learning. The more you know about them, the better when you have to take charge.
It will be interesting to read this entry after you've been there a few weeks, when the reality sets in and your in the groove.
See you later.
Comment by Jacqueline Marien on October 24, 2007 at 3:26pm
It is definitely a great start and I am excited to follow around a student. I will most gladly talk to them about how they see school and their learning. I am also curious to see how my blogs will be when I start teaching the big stuff =)
Comment by Bonnie Kaplan on October 24, 2007 at 3:32pm
Great. Tell me more about today.


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