Cross-posted at The Blog of Ms. Mercer

Okay, now that I have your attention, I’ll point you to this post from guest blogger Scott McLeod on Wes Fryer’s “Moving at the Speed of Creativity” (not faster than the average 6 month old if Spellings has her way, I guess).

Scott lists all the K-12 technology programs that have been axed so far, then goes on..

“The only thing left is EETT, and now the feds have proposed zeroing out that budget yet again.”

Here is his call to action:

“If you’re an educational technology advocate, it is time to spread the word about what’s occurring (e.g., link to this post!), express your concerns to politicians and policymakers, and educate those around you about what the issues are and what potential responses might be. Although it’s not quite clear what Secretary Spellings is doing with these roundtables, the notable absence of the ed tech organizations and a seeming emphasis on NCLB-related technologies is of at least some concern. And of course the biggest concern of all is the fact that the U.S. Department of Education, under Secretary Spellings’ watch, keeps trying to walk away from our children’s technologically-suffused future. I wish it weren’t so, but it’s hard to interpret the facts any other way.

Be informed. Be proactive, not reactive. Get involved.”

Go get ‘em!

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