Classes Forming:
Register Now! This popular four-week on-line course empowers participants to search efficiently, evaluate Internet and Web 2.0 information effectively and use it ethically incorporating the full range of 21st Century Information Fluency skills and resources. This course, developed by the 21st Century Information Fluency Project is open to all adults who desire to become fluent in searching and evaluating on-line resources. Anyone who intends to teach 21st Century Information Skills to students and staff should complete this training.
- Instructor: Dennis O'Connor
- Time commitment: login at least four times a week
- 2.5 CEUs are available for the 25 online contact hours
- Course delivery: 21CIF Moodle (view the course -- log-in as a guest)
- Assignments include readings, interactive learning games, discussion groups and practical projects you can use in your work
- ISTE NETS (for teachers) addressed: I, II, III, IV, V, VI
- ISTE NETS (for students) addressed: 2, 3, 5
- ISTE NETS (Refreshed for students 2007) 1,3,4,5
- $99.00 course fee
Online Registration is Now Open! If you would like to be added to our interest list,
send us an email with your name and preferred email address. If you'd like to register,
click here! Objectives:
- Participants will increase skills and efficiency in searching world wide web
- Participants will become reliable evaluators of digital information
- Participants will become successful integrators of digital information
Next Registration Deadline: Nov 12. Please alert us to any special accommodations you may need.
Cancellation Policy: Any registration cancellation must be received 48 hours before the scheduled date for a refund to be issued. Because attendance is limited, persons registering and not in attendance will be charged the full registration fee. 21CIF reserves the right to cancel any session due to insufficient enrollment. Participants will be notified by email or phone if a cancellation occurs.
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