Vegemite, blue tongue lizards and cricket

A year 9 boy was carrying a box with some straw in it, down the corridor after morning recess. There was a blue tongued lizard in it. (I think it is unique to Australia). So, I asked him if he could be granted leave of absence from class to show the lizard on skype to the Korean students at Uijeonbgu Science HS near Seoul. So, after logging on, the lizard was duly shown and the Korean students could even see his little blue tongue going in and out.

Next question was what the weather was like. We have just had a 35 deg day in Australia, but it was snowing in Korea. So the students took the camera to the window and we were able to see a beautiful snow clad, yard. It was truly amazing. There was eveb a Korean man sweeping the snow with a wooden broom.

Cricket is one of our favourite summer sports but as descriptions were difficult, one of our boys was off to get stumps, bat and ball and we were able to demonsrate the game in our library with our little web cam displaying the techniques. From there we showed them a jar of vegemite as they wanted to know what we eat for breakfast. The lid was taken off and they could see the contents but I dont think it whet their appetite,as their favourite food tends to be kimchi.(pickled cabbage)

Next a meat pie was brought to the camera. This has always been difficult to describe but by them seeing it, they were able to ask further questions. Mobile phones are used to watch TV on the trains and buses on their way home on the weekends. So they were able to demonstrate to us. Then we studied each others' uniforms and described them as well as seeing them visually. All too soon, the bell went. Powergrammo was used to record our conversations and we will develop some of them into a podcast. Surely this powerful learning at its best!

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Comment by Anne Mirtschin on December 9, 2007 at 3:09am
well yes we would be. What age are your students? We have daylight saving now which may be a bit closer to your time slot. Did you see the clock above? If so, what time is it with you? Our school runs from 9am to 3:30pm. This week is the last full week of school for students so things are a bit chaotic as we have half our year 7-9s out of the school. Anyway let me know cos we will try. It is just the best thing!!!


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