Au Revoir 2007, Bonjour 2008 ! Good Bye 2007, Hello 2008 ! OUR EUROPEAN CULTURAL DIVERSITY IS OUR WEALTH ;-)

This is a kind critical analysis of Classroom 2.0 Network's americanocentrism and a charge against standardization of the world by the exclusive use of english language... In the name of the nearly 300 members of our educational network L'école Hors les Murs/School Outside The Walls and specially in the name of our coadministrators Gražina (Lithuania), Lea (Czech Rep.), Elena (Romania), Vincenzina (Italia) and Józef (Poland), we send you our best wishes for the New Year and Long Life to E.Twinnings and E.Learning. You'll find below our wishes in all the languages used in Europe:

Vincent Mespoulet (France) – (between two glasses of Champagne, between two oysters, between two - french - kisses to my lover...)

ein gutes neues Jahr (german)

e glëckliches nëies (alsacian)

happy new year (english)

gelükkig nyjaar (saxon)

urte berri on (basque)

bloavezh mat (breton)

честита нова година (bulgarian) (chestita nova godina)

bon any nou (catalan)

pace e salute (corsican)

bon lanné (french antigua creole)

bon nannen (french guyana creole)

bone-érèz ané (french Reunion creole)

godt nytår (danish)

feliz año nuevo (spanish)

onnellista uutta vuotta (finnish)

gelukkig Nieuwjaa (flemish)

Proscht nei Johr (francique from Lorraine)

lokkich neijier (friesian)

bon an (frioulan)

bliadhna mhath ur (gaelic from Scotland)

ath bhliain faoi mhaise (gaelic from Ireland)

feliz aninovo (galician)

blwyddyn newydd dda (welsh)

kali chronia (greek)

boldog új éve (hungarian)

felice anno nuovo (italian)

bona annada (occitan)

felix sit annus novus (latin)

laimīgu Jauno gadu (lettonian)

feliçe annu nœvu (ligurian)

laimingų Naujųjų Metų (lithuanian)

e gudd neit Joë (luxembourger)

is-sena t-tajba (maltese)

gelukkig Nieuwjaar (dutch)

godt nyttår (norwish)

feliz ano novo (portuguese)

szczęśliwego nowego roku (polish)

bòna annada (provençal)

bun di bun onn (romansch)

bangi vasilica bax (romani)

un an nou fericit (romanian)

С Новым Годом (russian)

bonu annu nou (sardinian)

srećna nova godina (serb)

stastlivy novy rok (slovak)

srečno novo leto (slovenian)

gott nytt år (swedish)

es guets Nöis (germano-swiss)

ia orana i te matahiti api (tahitian)

šťastný nový rok (czech)

yeni yiliniz kutlu olsun (turkish)

Z novym rokom (ukranian)

bone annéye (wallonic)

a gut yohr (yiddish)

Gëzuar vitin e ri (albanian)

З новым годам (bielorussian)

sretna nova godina (bosniac)

sretna nova godina (croat)

head uut aastat (estonian)

gott nýggjár (feroian)

shana tova (hebraic)

farsælt komandi ár (icelandic)

laimīgu Jauno gadu (lettonian)

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