Why Educators Should Read Seth Godin

Why should a teacher or any other educational leader read Seth Godin? There are two compelling reasons as far as I’m concerned:

1- He talks (writes) common sense. 2- He insists on evidence as a driving force for decision making and change.

Nearly every blog post he writes and every paragraph in his books contains these two elements. Why should common sense and evidence be important to education professionals? Well, there’s the macro reason and the micro reason.

The macro reason asks whether common sense and evidence (which implies a philosophy for decision making is firmly established) are, well, evident in the school culture where you teach. The micro reason asks of you: Are you using common sense in the classroom,or conference room? Are you really using evidence of individual student or teacher’s work to drive your planning for tomorrow.

Or are you teaching the same thing to the class? Or, if you are an administrator, are you setting a restrictive policy because of one bad apple.

Common sense. Evidence. We could use more of each in Education. Read Seth Godin. You’ll get smarter in a hurry.

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