I've come across people recently that challenge me on the need for keyboarding skills for students. I believe that keyboarding, although a valuable skill, is not that necessary anymore. I believe up until the late 80's, early 90's, typing and short hand were taught in High schools. These classes were meant to teach students necessary skills to make it out in the business world. With more computers being used, typing was slowly replaced with Introduction to Computers. Personally, I had typing back in High school around the time this transition was happening. I wasn't really interested in sitting in class day after day typing the same thing over and over a.s.d.f.g...a.s.d.f.g..., so I dropped the class and took Introduction to Computers instead. I never learned how to type properly, but I managed to learn how to type in a manner that works for me. And No, I don't peck away with just two fingers.
I believe students should focus on the overall concept of what they are trying to accomplish, whether it be posting to a Blog, Podcasting, creating Digital Storybooks, etc. and not have to worry about the correct placement of their fingers on the keyboard. Just as if students were to report on "What is a Satellite?," or "What issues to young students face today that didn't exist ten years ago?," I am going to look for understanding of the content first and spelling skills last.
But this is only my point of view. I'd like to hear what you think. What is your point of view?

Views: 47

Comment by Nancy Bosch on January 14, 2008 at 7:11pm
There was a heated discussion on keyboarding here last month. Do a search and I'm sure you'll find it! There were some great comments, N.
Comment by Michal on January 14, 2008 at 8:17pm
I'm going to have to look in to that discussion. I, myself, am struggling with this idea - on one hand, I do think that proper typing is needed. But am I just stuck in the "it was good enough for me, it's good enough for my students" mode, or is this a skill that students need? I do know that my son can text quicker than I can type, and he's on a numeric phone pad!
Comment by Nancy Bosch on January 14, 2008 at 8:27pm
I've taught for 25 years, gifted kids K-6, and my value add to the original discussion on keyboarding was that kids who type well, using the homerow keys, are better writers, like to write, and can communicate better in writing than kids who hunt and peck or type with a couple of fingers (like I do). Here's the discussion---let me know if anything said hit a chord with you. N


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